Today's highlights: Analysis of General Conference - General Nonsense and Mo-sense.
Courtesy of True Believing Mormons - LDS Humor
Slamtoons - Cartoons and Tunes
Mormonia Media - Multi-Anti-Media Playelder Magazine - The "centerfold" of Mormonism News - From behind The Zion Curtain Planet Kolob - Out of this world dining Top Ten Lists - Elder Letterman's Best Temple Square Halloween - Bash by the Brethren Parables About Mormonia - Meshing Mormon metaphors with reality Editor's Favorites - Best of this site (under construction) |
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Salamander Awards - The Best of Blasphemy from the Net The Salamander Interviews - Movers and shakers The Mormon Temple - Not so sacred secrets revealed Mormon Public Relations - Mixed Media Messages Museum of Mormonia - Tours & Archives Ex-Mormon Culture - Life after apostasy Mormon Mall - Shopping for the Lord Quotes - Real words of wisdom Legals - LDS legal business documents
Advice - from Cheryl Goodytiptoes and Bishop Bernie Boozem Patriarchal Blessings - Get your online blessing now! Buzy Bee Calendar - Cram in another activity Dictionary of Mormonia - Help define Mormonism Mormon Bingo - Conference fun Crossword Puzzles - Mysteries of the Kingdom Screensavers - Fun download Best Testimony - Burning Bosom Contest Child of God - Re-takes Guilt Trip Travel - Extra baggage check Mormon Jokes - Light minded loud laughter Latter-day Limericks - Chuckling chiasmus Mormon Greeting Cards - Those Especial Occasions Mormon Domains - Wacky websites Post Mormon Poetry - Power of Prose Reinspired Scripture - Translated correctly Testimonkeywrench Gang - Gadianton Gags Mormon Theme Parks - From Danites to Disney Mormon Tongue Twisters - Terrestrial to Telestial |
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Mormon Apologetics - Entertainment from FARMS & FAIR Randy Jordan - Reality check on FARMS & FAIR Don Bagley - Word(s) of Wisdom and Wit The Apologist's Journal - Cranking up cogntive dissonance The Foyer - Gospel of gossip Blacks & Mormonism - Curse n' tell Mormon Math - Measuring up? Sexuality - Birds and the beehives Primary Memories - Sharing time Relief Society - Heartbeat of Mormonism Mormon Space Doctrine - Far out! X-files - Official Letters Hastening - Hastening-Chastening the Work |
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