2012 Celestial Slamtoons updated 12/06/2012

Celestial Slamtoons updated 12/06/2012

Follow the Mormon prophet and get stuck taxi by Stray Mutt.

Mormon tithing settlement in kind fishy by Stray Mutt.

Mormon jewelry and ear rings by Stray Mutt.

The Mormon Path by Stray Mutt.

Hot Mormon sex and lightning strike by Stray Mutt.

Holy Ghost and Holy Cat by Stray Mutt.

Mormons watch house burn by Stray Mutt.

Relief Society Holy Ghost Cookies Homemaking Moments.

Holy Ghost appears at Mormon General Conference.

Mormon Big Foot sustained in General Conference replacing Dieter Uchtdorf by Thomas Monson.

Mormon house of cards, the fall of Thomas Monson by Boyd Packer.

Some additional captions provided by some folks at Recovery from Mormonism

"Losing Face..... one by one." - by Papa Ken

The bigger they come...the harder they fall. - by upsidedown

Building your kingdom with half a deck.

He bet on the wrong house.

Tooting your own horn with half a deck.

Monson is a Royal Flush. - by Jesus Smith

The Mormon Sneer Mitt Romney real face by anagrammy.

Mitt Romney Angel Moroni by John Gara/Buzzfeed.

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