Celestial Slamtoons updated 12/16/2005

First Vision Joseph Smith BYU 
Libary entrance. I was surprised to see such an odd depiction of the First Vision at the entrance to the BYU library. (left image) My first reaction was, "This is not very faith promoting to see wild eyed Gods floating above a young Joseph Smith who appears like a whimpy 10 year old, not a 14 year old. We're supposed to believe this bizarre stuff?"

After staring at the image for a few moments and almost developing a case of vertigo, the scene on the right came into mind, much like a revelation, the same kind Joseph enjoyed.

Click here for a view of the Josephine Nativity Scene set up in the BYU Administration Building lobby.

First Vision Joseph Smith flying Jehova and Elohim parachute.

Remembering Joseph Smith or else you will be destroyed.

Cecil Samuelson BYU office Holy of Holies Provo Utah.

First Presidency eternal flame of non-Mormon wedding.

Mormon LDS Polygburo Polygamy Gordon Hinckley.

Joseph Smith holy family merry smithmas.

Mormon LDS Josephine Nativity temple square three wise witness men Gordon Hinckley, Thomas Monson, James Faust.

Mormoni view of Josephine Nativity at Smithmas.

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FARMS FAIR Book of Mormon mother ship.

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Merry Smithmas Joseph Smith Birthday.

Mormon LDS Joseph Smith teach them correct principles.

Mormon LDS Mountian Meadow Massacre grave testimony meeting.

Mormon LDS Blacks valient in pre-existence.

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