Match your wit and sarcasm with others by adding your captions to the following Slamtoons. Click an image to proceed.
The Mormon Temple Sword |
Godiva and Helaman |
Moroni Twin Trumpets |
Speaking of tongues |
The Priesthood Pedestal |
Monson and Hinckley Sing |
President Hinckley's Card |
Hofmann Hinckley 20 Year Reunion |
Boyd and Sheri |
Action at the Hill Cumorah |
Tar & Feather Action |
Thomas Monson and Pope Benedict XVI |
Pope Paul, Boyd Packer, Laura and George Bush - Lying in State |
Hitler, Hinckley & Packer |
Sigmund and Boyd |
The Accident |
Men in White |
The Eye |
Gordon Hinckley on Larry King Live |
The Mormon Blinders |
The First Presidency Relief Society Mixer |
The First Presidency Speaks |
By the Usual Sign |
Joseph Smith Preaching to the Lamanities |
The Naked Truth |
Monson and Packer The Sands of the Sea |
Mark Hofmann Among Mormon Prophets |
Sure Sign of the Nail and the Morgbots |
Hinckley Noah |