Sheri Dew - The 50 Year Old Virgin - Fan Club

Sheri Dew poster 50 Year Old Virgin.spacer image. Sheri Dew, Wendy Watson Nelson - Purity and Passion.
Sheri Dew, Wendy Watson Nelson - Hold Ironic Priesthood.

Sheri Dew stars as herself in this Deseret Book Drama based upon her own life. The Brethren produced this movie in hope of sealing Sister Dew to Steve Carell who plays Andy Stitzer in the current smash hit, "The 40 Year Old Virgin."

RS Presidency reacts to screeing. "I forsee a match made in heaven," - prophesied Boyd K. Packer. Packer went on to say that he is tired of Sister Dew hanging around the Church Administration Building and pestering the Brethren for interviews just so she can write more best sellers at Deseret Book. "She makes more money on her books than I do," steamed the senior apostle.

President Hinckley revealed, "This marvelous and wonderful movie is to be sent by greeting; not by commandment, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth to all single sisters the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all sisters in the last days-

Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the sweetest of all the sweet spirits, who can be called saints.

Behold, verily, this saith the Lord unto you: In consequences of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men at the singles dances, I have warned you, by giving unto you this movie of wisdom by revelation."


Please Gaze Upon My Leg: Excuse Me, But Sheri Dew Is Just Plain Weird

08/11/2015 - Steve Benson

Channel-surfing the BYU Channel (back in the day before I cancelled it out of sheer borecom), I came across Sister Sheri Dew introducing Merrill Bateman at a BYU Women's Conference in 1997.

She said, and I quote:

"President Bateman's list of accomplishments is as long as my leg and, as you can see, that's pretty long."

She paused, cleared her throat, raised an eyebrow slightly and smiled--but there was virtually no reaction from the audience.

For one thing, the audience couldn't even see Sister Dew's leg, since she was standing behind a podium and, moreover, what kind of kinky-kooky Mormon fantasy world does the pent-up Sister Dew live in, where she's imagining people gawking at her leg?

It was bizarre--and should have prompted a bishop's interview, on the spot.

Drawing upon the powers of heaven to save face - the face of Wendy Watson Nelson that is

05/19/2007 - by LDS Church News at Right place, time Apostle's wife shares accounts of women prepared to seek powers of heaven

Wendy watson Nelson, Sheri Dew's biggest fan. Prior to her marriage to Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve in April 2006, Sister Nelson was traveling in November 2005 with her close friend, Sheri Dew, a former member of the Relief Society general presidency. They had just participated in a symposium on the Prophet Joseph Smith in New York and arrived at 4:30 a.m. at the Rochester airport to return home.

While walking toward the terminal, the then-Sister Watson fell and severely cut her face. While waiting for help to arrive, Sister Dew took charge, kneeling and praying for her friend that the pain would ease and the bleeding would slow. After standing back for paramedics to apply a bandage, Sister Dew helped her friend to their plane and calmly suggested they phone ahead to Salt Lake City for a plastic surgeon.

Later, after surgery, the soon-to-be Sister Nelson was told the seriousness of her injury and how "Sheri was the right person to be with you."

"I have often wondered — how differently the story may have unfolded, had Sheri not been with me," Sister Nelson told the some 17,000 people gathered in the Marriott Center on May 3. "What if I'd been with someone who didn't know how to draw upon the powers of heaven?"


Sheri Dew - the right person to be with me

05/04/2007 - by Wendy Watson Nelson in the The Deseret News

Wendy Watson Nelson encouraged women to seek more deeply the will of the Lord in determining how they can fill their life mission so they can be prepared to serve in unexpected ways.

She told of being seriously injured when she did an early morning "face-plant" at the Rochester airport in 2005 as she and her friend Sheri Dew -- former counselor in the Relief Society General presidency -- were returning to Salt Lake City.

Bleeding profusely and with no one close by to help, she asked Dew to pray for her. "Without hesitating, she knelt on pavement next to me and began to plead with the Lord. She prayed with power and petitioned the Lord to stop my fear, the bleeding and the pain.

"She pleaded to know what she should do to take care of me." When she finished, Nelson said her fear evaporated, the bleeding slowed and her pain diminished significantly. Paramedics were called and bandaged her face before the women boarded their flight.

During a layover, Dew called ahead for a plastic surgeon and upon arriving in Salt Lake City, they went directly to LDS Hospital, where Nelson was taken into surgery and got "well over 300 stitches."

Her friend's spiritual "skill and understanding" to summon help from God, as well as the inspiration to arrange for the right medical treatment, made her "the right person to be with me," Nelson said.


For more wisdom from Wendy Watson Nelson on the private lives of prominent Mormons: Things Are Not Always the Way They Appear To Be


Parnters in Slime

12/16/2008 - by anon at

As a well educated person, you know about being wary of what you read. I work at Deseret Book and have worked here for over 20 years. I work in the corporate offices and have been in many meetings with Sheri Dew.

She is not a flawed woman as you describe, she is a very mean woman who is allegedly lesbian and her partner is allegedly Wendy Watson. Yes, Wendy is married to Elder Nelson. (Even the most elect can be deceived--The President Hinckley and Mark Hofmann story.) She is the opposite of what she preaches.

Why do I still work at Deseret Book? Great retirement program--I'm stuck and so I survive like most of us here.

Sheri is bright, manipulative, self-centered, calculating, vengeful, self absorbed, and cruel.

Be careful what you believe. Ask people who have worked at Deseret Book what they know and think about Sheri Dew. It will scare and surprise you.


Does it look like Sheri Dew and I are BFF? (Best Friends Forever)

10/26/2008 - by Xóchitl at

Sheri Dew giving reassuring hug. From this picture, does it look like Sheri Dew and I are BFF? That's what I was going for even though nothing could be farther from the truth. But that's what I felt like after getting a reassuring hug from her.

This last weekend some really amazing girlfriends and I drove up to San Antonio for the Time Out For Women seminar with Sheri Dew. We skipped out on the rest of the conference. Probably because we might have a little spiritual ADD and couldn't stick it out a whole weekend. Probably not, but we had quite a few new tools in our toolboxes after just one day of self-reflection.

Some of my favorite quick quotes from the seminar (which does NOT do it justice, but if I write a couple things here, I'm likely to have more accountability. So skip this part if plenty necessary.)

Sister Dew talked so inspiringly about expanding our influence for good and helping to raise the next, more challenged generation of leaders. That hit home and made me miss the kids. It also made me buy some more of her books...that Sheri Dew, she's so smart.


Sheri has a lot of repenting to do

06/13/2007 - LDS Retail

It's been a long time since anyone left a comment on this page, but I will add to it nonetheless. And, yes, I'm anonymous --- it's because retribution is alive and well in the world. I have a comment against this page, and a comment in its support.

CON: It's true that dissent is the basis of American freedom, and along with it parody (hence, political cartoons), but juvenile bathroom jokes are not. Many of the complainants on this page are successfully adhering to the lowest common denominator --- a course of advertising made popular by Spike TV. Trust me, folks, taking cheap shots at people, making jokes based on sexual innuendo and crudity, and other forms of contemptuous parody doesn't prove your manhood, nor does it prove you're a better person than the subject of your insults.

PRO: On the other hand, I have had dealings with Sheri Dew, and have heard many credible reports about her business behavior throughout the LDS publishing and retail industries. Her public face (compassionate, intelligent, supportive, faithful) is nothing at all like her business face (ruthless, rude, arrogant, insecure). Several of the reports mentioned on this page are, in fact, accurate. Sheri has a sincere problem ahead of her: the Lord will judge us based on our public lives, our private lives, and our business lives --- and based on her business life, she won't make the Celestial Kingdom (she might not make the Terrestrial Kingdom).

Sheri has a lot of repenting to do, and I don't think she has it within her to do it.

And anyone who believes I'm not treating Sheri fairly needs to walk a mile in my shoes.


Sheri Dew: evil incarnate

09/29/2005 - runtu

Back in my True Believing Mormon (TBM) days, my neighbor worked for a company that was "absorbed" by Deseret Book. During the merger, my neighbor spent a lot of time with Ms. Dew, discussing how the employees would be brought into Deseret Book (they weren't, actually. As soon as the companies merged, everyone from the smaller company, including my neighbor, lost their jobs).

Anyway, every time he heard her name mentioned, he would literally go red in the face and tell me what a terrible, horrible, evil person she is. He said that she treated him and everyone in his company with contempt and was very dictatorial. What made him angriest was her lack of concern for any of his employees who would be losing their jobs.

I asked him if he was just having a hard time having a female boss, and he said, "I've had several female bosses. I wouldn't wish this one on anybody." Later he told me he was glad they let him go because at least he didn't have to work with her.

Yeah, I know. Secondhand gossip. But I've never looked at her the same way since then. I like my neighbor and haven't had any reason to distrust his opinions before or since.

I can second that

09/29/2005 - big time anon

Dbook is gobbling up other independently owned companies and book stores. Owners are often threatened by DBook if they do not sell that DBook will run them out of business. Employees are often tosses aside under cost-cutting moves because DBook is not as profitable as it used to be despite all the mergers. DBook and Dew are not "the church", but they act like every deal or move they make is a direct commandment from a higher authority. Dew deserves no fan club.

Her own words certainly live up to the characterization

09/29/2005 - Nick

Defenders of the Faith (family) was an address given by Sheri Dew at a February 2004 conference in Washington DC, entitled "Interfaith Conference on Defending Marriage and the Family: By Faith and By Reason". Her speech was also published in Meridian; however, after a lot of national attention (most of it negative), it was quietly yanked (surprise!) from that site.

The whole speech combines a rose-colored-lens view of the kind of family life idealized in Mormon culture, and a very alarmist view of virtually all "non-traditional" families. Most tellingly, she tries to draw a parallel between opposition to the Nazi regime and opposition to gay marriage.

If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard: And Other Reassuring Truths
- book cover.

New DezBook from the vast mind of the oldest and most famous virgin, Sherri Dew: "If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard"

09/28/2005 - Polygamy Porter and others

Wow Sherri! That is a mind bending book you have there! And that title! You must have slammed a six pack of Mountain Dew to come up with that.

Here are some more titles I just came up with:

-If you are sick, you are not healthy and the sequel book: If you are healthy, you are not sick.

-If you are employed, you are not unemployed.

-If you are full, you are not hungry.

-If you never married, you will never divorce.

-My Secret to a Fulfilled Latter-Day Saint Life as a Virgin by Never Having Sex

-Wherever you go, there you are!

Does Sherri write this crap herself or does she just put her name on it as it is published to the Mo'asses?

Collecting vibrators?

09/28/2005 - anon

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that title. They must be in need of a best seller at Deseret Book.

Isn't Sheri Dew an interesting anomaly. She is a older, single mormon woman (not what the brethren want the typical Morgbot to be)whose only shot at the CK, is latching onto someone as 2nd fiddle in the hereafter. Yet, they have her running deseret book and spouting off about how great it is to be lds and single. I would like to see her collection of vibrators!

Sheri Dew in Y Brokeback Mountain.

Do you think she could do as good naming vibrators?

09/28/2005 - JWells

So if you really think she has a collection, do you think she came up with as good names for them as she did for her books?

What would the names of Sherry Dew's vibrators be?

The Iron Rod
The Dippity Dew
My Rubber Dallin
Toy for the Hole-y of Holies
The Relief Societ-ease
The Testimony Shaker

Well Sheri, you may think that title's clever, but you're WRONG!

09/28/2005 - Kim

What a stupid title for a book! I guess it is totally appropriate though for a Mormon Church book.

The Mormon Church is expert at using circular reasoning for most all of its claims anyway.

"The Church is true because the Book of Mormon is true."

"The Book of Mormon is true because the Church is true."

That makes as much sense as the title of her book, and its contents undoubtedly make no sense either. They all make as much sense as my favorite comment about vegetarians:

If God had wanted people to be vegetarian, He wouldn't have made animals taste like meat.

I pooped my pants

09/28/2005 - DB, Polygamy Porter and Grape Nephi aka William

The book description says she got the title from her young niece. Perhaps she should think twice next time before using young children as a source for book ideas.

LOL, perhaps her next title from a child will be "I pooped my pants!"

Will Sheri become the new type of nun that never gets married and is given to Ol' Horney Joe?

Subject: Therefore, Mormon life is supposed to be difficult.

09/28/2005 - Fonbossi and saemo

I see a theological development in Mormonism as it finally realizes the need to overtly preach a hardship/slave morality because they are bankrupting their members. The reason they credit God with finding lost car keys, and other minor discoveries, is because they have already credited him for making life difficult and they must duly credit him for giving a lucky break, or they don't feel they deserve it. It's also a way to maximize their hardship and pretend that little hardships are a big deal (so they don't receive anymore hardship). It's all just a form of superstition.

She has been traumatized by trying to please God and GBH, who are both keeping a close watch of the Deseret Book P&L. Talk about TBM pressure to be perfect. A 1 percent slip in margin and she has failed herself, God AND God's prophet. She should be suicidal by now, I'm sure.

She should have written

09/28/2005 - Saucie

"If I wasn't such a cookie cutter cutout copy cult member I'd be a real person. "

She needs a new PR person and a stylist, and she needs to drop her scrapbooking ... I think she's been sniffing too much glue.

Comments Section

Had a conversation with a lady who's husband is family with The Dew.

It's 100% confirmed. It's one of those 'don't ask don't tell' but in The Dew's circle it's never been a secret.

I asked about Wendy Watson and was told it was platonic, but then I told her to look up property records. Why would The Dew need a roomie? Seems to me she is financially secure, wouldn't need to be roomies especially with both names on record. Then, The Dew lives on the same street at Wendy and her beard? Ain't buying it. - 08/11/2015 - Levi


"She lived by me when I was a kid and she rented a house with another woman. I was just a kid (10 or so) but I remember some in the ward thought she was gay, and this was in the mid 80's, well before her climb up the corporate lds ranks. She was not very social, and many of the women in our ward were intimidated by her as I remember my mom talking with her friends about her and just remember the tone. I think her roomate was a softball player as well as played on the ward basketball team. Sandy 42nd ward if I remember right, Albury road not too far from the Lahnems." - 08/11/2015 - KC


"She was my sister's neighbor and my sister was her visiting teacher and also lived on Albury lane (so Sherry Dew wasn't the biggest bitch on the street). In fact, you may be the same age as some of my nephews/neices. My sister used to talk about the Lesbian she visit taught until Sherry was called into the RS presidency, then she disclaimed ever saying that because now she had a claim to fame." - 08/11/2015 - NormaRae


Is is just me or does every woman that is married with children get a funny feeling about Sherry Dew? Like she is lesbian? Lesbian's are the most cunning, secretive, manipulative people I've ever met. I dislike her because of her influence on my sister in law, that is 45 and still single. This poor woman is so miserable in the church, trying to prepare herself for the man that is going to be given to her in the next life, because there are none here worthy enough for her. Every thing the Church stands for says we have to do it here, everything the Gospel stands for says we have to do it here. But some where in Ms. Dew's disturbing doctrine, she is misguiding women away from looking, pondering and praying and actively working on getting married, because somewhere, that only she knows about, it says there will be a man given to these women in the next life. Then why is it so important for us to be married here for time and all eternity - I'm just sayin? - 05/08/2014 - Annie


I heard her speak at a university. Her topic was "Why Single Woman Don't Need To Feel Lonely". In a nutshell, the three reasons single LDS women shouldn't feel lonely are: 1) They have God to lean on 2) They have their church family to lean on 3) They have their True Believing Mormmon family to lean on. She used all her LDS nieces and nephews as an example.

Sorry but that didn't resonate much with me because: 1) God wasn't doing anything I could see to make me feel great about myself as a single LDS female. 2) My ward "family" treated me like a leper 3) I had no LDS biological family members besides all of my family lived about 2,000 miles from where I lived.

Sorry Sheri, but not everybody fits in the same little TBM LDS box that you live in. - 10/15/2013 - Cali Sally


If there is one woman that most definitely cannot relate to typical LDS women, it's Sherri Dew. She has more in common with LDS men than women. My wife actually went to here her speak in the early stages of her path out of the church. When my wife got home I asked her if Sherri had convinced her to stay in the church. She laughed and replied, "Sherri knows the church is true because she has good nieces and nephews. A couple of them even go to Harvard!" My wife didn't see the correlation between lds people going to Harvard and the truthfulness of the church. The Sherri Dew experience was another step on my wife's path out. Thanks Sherri. - 10/15/2015 - Jake


I've often wondered what Sheri Dew gets out of the church...she must really believe. I was a single, childless woman in the church for many decades and it was absolute hell. The only reason I stayed was because I bought the whole lie, hook, line and sinker. What other reason could she possibly have for staying? - 10/15/2013 - stbleaving


It's amazing the hatred shown here for people who point out Sheri Dew's two-faced behavior. But, it is the last days, and the wicked still take the truth to be hard, so I guess you have to expect some opposition.

Good work! - 09/13/2013 - emdub


If you can back your words with solid facts and documentation, it is important to expose those who say one thing and do another ,especially ,when they have the power to lead those who do not think for themselves. If you parody, you should state so. I never believe anyone who cannot back themselves with proof, but I also enjoy a good parody. Small, cult like minds can only cry fowl and throw mud for they have no truth from which to intelligently decipher. - 01/22/2013 - Nancy


Thank you Sheri for influencing my life and thousand others. Keep it up and never stoop to the devils for they are all around you to diminish your worth. We love you Sheri. We stand on mountains and walk the stormy seas today because we have been strengthened by standing on your shoulder. Sisi - 01/08/2013 - Cheer for Sheri Dew


This site is for sick people! It appears that it is also censored for comments that at all positive. I submitted some comments that used the scriptures of "not judging, lest ye be not judged". I guess that is too intelligent for the commentors or site administrators. DBP 10/11/07 - 10/11/2007 - DBP


I side, strongly, with Sherri Dew in the few items I have read of her. In this case I am referring to her stand on marriage, even despite her years of singleness.

Some years ago, in Ottawa, Canada, where I resided at the time the provincial government was readying itself to vote on the single sex tax issue. I had a meeting scheduled with my local provincial politian to ascertain his position and who, the day before it was to take place, called to ask a favour. He told me that Prime Time TV (CBC) had been in Ottawa for more that thirty six hours trying to locate someone who would take issue with the proposed act to go in front of the house within the next few days. So he thought of me and I agreed if they would allow me to orchestrate the meeting. With some hesitation they agreed and the next day my wife and our two 3-4 year old children, twins, made the news across Canada.

The last few words were very important to me. It was suggested my position was the defence of the traditional family and I said YES and I still do.

A year later the polititian was dead and that was shown as the highlight of his political career.

We live in a world of niceness not rightness and many, many people do not make their position known. It is truly sad.

Then, along comes Sherri Dew and the opposition mounts.

So I say with all confidence that I stand behind her comments on the very, very important issue.

And to conclude I have a daughter, not as old as Sherri, who remains unmarried and has a very significant position as a professor within a US university. So, I am not a person without knowledge of some of the pain experienced by some very worthwhile women. - 09/29/2007 - Gilmour


Now I am just waiting for Sheri Dew to find an amazing man to marry, too! But even if she doesn't, she seems to have enough spiritual strength to make it to the next life before getting married. - 05/30/2007 - Dimavo


I am a single Mexican American US Citizen female, returned lady missionary and BYU graduate from the Marriott School of Management, and with a PhD. It is unfortunate Ms. Drew has chosen to show a public ugly ignorant picture of what it means "to her" to be a single "virgen" LDS women now days. I face many stereotypical labels on a daily basis, while at the same time I struggle to be in tune with the teachings of the Savior. I do not know whether I am blessed or cursed for being single, I simply enjoy life and its daily rewards without headaches or agonies. One thing am sure today is not to have any association or comparison, by virtues of belonging to the same religion, with someone that speaks so mindless about others, and has a such narrow vision of life itself.

I discovered today what this so called "LDS" faithful women said about Gay people. I felt sick to my stomach and almost cried because of her prominence among LDS autorities, and yet she shows no compassion and much self-righteous demenor. It is a sad time for LDS people when someone in her position dares to speak the way she does. May we have patience and do not repeat her unflattering behavior, although it might be very tempting. - 04/29/2007 - Angeles


Hi...I'm a Mexican American US Citizen female, returned lady missionary and BYU graduate from the Marriott School of Management, and with a PhD.....and I have NO CLUE how to spell VIRGIN!!! Did I mention I was smart? Whatever. - 06/27/2007 - Jake S.


Sheri Dew is a great defender of the faith who dares to stand for the right. This is what true leaders do. - 05/02/2007 - Grow up


There is a reason for so much overt hatred of a woman who has dedicated her life in service to the lord.

Those who are living lives in which they know are incorrect are always highly critical, insulted and incensed by people who know the truth and live it.

Very sad. - 02/12/2007 - Andria


I just want to ask. Do you think you are PERFECT? It is clear that you have nothing better to do with your life, than to look at other's people life and ENVY. Of course it's much easier than to do something good and try to touch someones life in a good way. Why do you have to go into others people life and talk bad about them...about good people? Unless of course you are PERFECT...well then if you are so perfect why don't you post a poster somewhere so everyone can see you. I fill pity for those people who have to talk bad about others and sometimes all is just a lie. Stupid stupid lie. It makes me sick when I think off all the stupid things some people came up with. There are enough lies, fights and judgments in the world why do we have to make it more complicated? I tell you why is because we don't think...we don't grow up. - 02/07/2008 - anon


I'm so, so very sorry for each of you. Sheri Dew is a magnificent and lovely human being. She has suffered so much about not being married. I think it's absolutely cruel to take such a wholesome and genuine person, who consistently does her very best to do what is right, and drag her name in the mud and the gutter of gossip. You simply do not understand. I'm so sorry. - 01/30/2007 - by 4181986


I looked at the pic of this woman.....shudder!......but "bless her heart", maybe she is one of the real "sisters" , if you know what I mean.....wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more! - 01/28/2007 - gorkuskackle


Its amazing how people twist and turn whatever someone says to their own interpretation. When i read the comments of those above i realised that they must be really guilty themselves of whatever Sherri has talked about which has so offended them, "the guilty taketh the truth to be hard" I salute Sherri for her strength and courage to speak out in this day and age against those things that are evil.

In the end remember those of you that judge her so will receive the same judgement. - 01/15/2007 - Kas


It will all come back to you in the end. It is how it works, You treat people like this now, it will slam you in teh face. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but it WILL happen. You should all be sorry and do whatever you can do to be forgiven. - 01/11/2007 - anon


Why don't you all grow up and leave Sheri Dew alone. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? - 09/17/2006 - Grow Up


I am severely bothered by your thoughts! I am not a member of the Latter Day Saints YET, but through my studies I have learned one thing, that I believe you should all take into serious consideration! It is not OUR place to judge ANY ONE, that is the Lords job! I believe greatly in the Mormon teachings, and have a great respect for their ways of life. They are wonderful, family oriented, caring people, who would do any thing for any one (including someone they didn't care for) at the drop of a hat! I'm not going to try to wage a war here, but you should think about how bad you may be hurting Sherry's feelings! With out a doubt, the Lord does not want us to treat each other in these types of manors! - 04/28/2006 - raunchwife


I feel kind of bad for Sherri Dew. Having your last unmarried best friend get hitched when you are 25 must be hard, but if you are 50 something, it must make you feel very sad indeed. The next widowed apostle really needs to snatch her up. Maybe she should start getting her application ready. 04/28/2006 - Katie


You are disgusting!!! Nothing better to do with your life than make fun of people much better than you obviously - 04/27/2006 - anon


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