Not So Nice Mail

As of 12/28/2005 there are 921 letters posted here.

Why what a hostile bunch you are!!! - 12/28/2005 - anon

Heaven Help us, Mormons have MORALS!

Ok, here's the deal people. You are all very screwed up. Number One: to those of you who fall under the category of "former LDS", just because you didn't like the teachings of the gospel because it was "too hard", or "too strict", or believe you were "brainwashed", grow up, get some morals, and don't use freedom of life, speech, expression of self, etc. as a cop out for giving in to your so called desires.

Number Two: to those of you who only know members of the LDS church, here's an idea. Why don't you, now get this, check it out for yourself instead of taking someone else's (who might possibly fall under the first category) word for it. Y'all are talking about being brainwashed? I've got news for you friends, you're doing it to yourselves. Investigate your own questions, but do it through proper resources, none of this "I know everything about "mormonism" because I used to be one" crap on the internet. Try contacting the church office in Salt Lake or something.

And FINALLY, Number Three: People are people. Yeah, Mormon's beliefs can be pretty dang tough to live by sometimes, believe me, I know. But here's the thing. The gospel itself is perfect-NOT THE PEOPLE. Everyone makes mistakes. Even those that are "righteous" make mistakes by judging those who messed up. It isn't their place to judge. You know that, I know that, but like I said, people are not perfect. No where near it. The teachings of the gospel are correct, but it is impossible to live those teachings 100%, 100% of the time. If it weren't impossible, Jesus wouldn't be the only one who was perfect. What I'm getting at, is don't judge the church by it's people and what they've done, judge it by it's teachings and what it does for other people. If, after you've done all the research you can do, you STILL find fault in it, then I'm sorry you feel that way, but hey, it's your opinion.

In conclusion, if you dig deep, and pretend you have virtue or morals for just one second, and truly think about LDS teachings, what is SO TERRIBLE about keeping yourself chaste (oh right, you're free of STD's, babies you're not yet ready for, or, GOD FORBID, you don't have to worry about getting so totally screwed up emotionally by some guy who-no pun intended-screwed you over and just used you for your body.) What's wrong with loving God and wanting to show your love and respect for him by keeping his commandments? What's wrong with NOT taking drugs or drinking alcohol because you don't feel that you need those things to have a good time, and you'd rather live your ENTIRE life than cut it short for a few smokes? Just think about this stuff before you go dogging some other religion you really don't have a clue about. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I've done my research, and I know that this gospel doesn't lie. Like I said, people do. - 11/19/2005 - from corky047

i am a true mormon and u people that put all lds members down r really off u people havee it so bad u blame it on lds members get ur priorties streight because u r not going to make it far in this world and if the garments r so bad why r u still using them still because u have issuses thats why u dont respect us because u dont respect u selfsdont judge the book by its cover until u read it - 10/27/2005 - d.m.m

get over yourselves!! you are the type of people who have no idea what you are talking about! try actually learning about something before you bash it. - 10/02/2005 - anon

You guys all suck. The members of the LDS church love their faith and that is why they done make fun of it in passing or make light of there beliefs. - 10/01/2005 - Joe Jepsen

Fuck you! - 10/01/2005 - anon

I know that no one will put my response on-line, b/c this sort of site is really only looking for more people to back up their point of views. This website wouldn't even be on here if everyone on here wasn't looking for acceptance from others and a way to feel better about making bad choices. The Apostles have warned that even inside the Church many of the members wouldn't be ready for the second coming. So, thanks for helping me to know that they weren't referring to me and for giving up the blessings for those of us who are choosing to keep their covenants and not make light of sacred and holy things. I stumbled across this website looking for an LDS doctor in my area, and wish more than anything I hadn't. Good luck to you all, wishing the most choice blessings and fervent prayers on your behalfs. - 09/30/2005 - anon

i am a good mormon i was a member all my life...i am glad that joseph smith prayed..hes a true prophet...and gordon b hinkley is to..and i think its wrong how u are againts our reliogion..i hate people like you!!! i love being a mormon..becuase our church is the true church!!!and i think that your a loser for bashing up our religion and saying all this nonsence!! thats not true..maybe if u red the book of mormon or doctorine and covenets then u would come to realized that the nonsence that u put on this stupid site is just mean and dumb..but if u are a mormon then you have problems..but if your not i really dont like it that u say bad things about our religion...THANK YOU.. - 09/30/2005 - KT

Mormons no longer believe in having several wifes - 09/30/2005 - anon

Maybe the reason all of you are so negative towards a church, is because deep down your scared its true. No one critisezes catholitism or budhism, maybe if you sat down and thought about it... It really is the true church. - 09/29/2005 - anon

do you know, taht you are an idot - 09/29/2005 - anon

I stumbled upon this web site on chance while looking up some book information. I skimmed through what some of you had to say and my breath was taken away by some of the attitudes and words expressed. Tears were brought to my eyes. I am truely saddened by some of the information that has been expressed about our covenents and temple ordinences.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and love it. I love the garments I wear and everything else that I do in the church. Everyone out there must realize that the church does not make you wear or do anything. It is your choice to follow or not. Yes, one should be concerned if they just throw their garments in the trash. What do covenants mean. One just wouldn't throw their children in the garbage because the parent made a promise to the child, and then the parent doesn't want to follow through on it, so they throw the child in the garbage to avoid the situation. Remember, it is each to their own.

Try thinking about that the next time you want to bash my church or the people that follow their beliefs. You will find that the LDS people do not act this way, as those individuals who bash on this site. We are a joyfull people and the gospel is strong and the church is growing rapidly. We realize that there are so many people out there that do evil and other manner of speaking. The LDS people do not have a web site to bash others. The garment is not magical. It helps us set guidelines. You all think that lovemaking is a joke for us. It is the opposite. The garment is not uncomfortable to wear. There are so many styles and fabrics to choose from. They stay in place, as opposed to other comments that I read. It is ignorant people that think they know what they are talking about, that think the garments are so horrible. Spend your time wisely and ignore this site as well as others that bash the true church of Christ. I know that this world is filled with satan's p! ressence and he influences peoples thoughts and actions. Know that those that bash the church are greatly out-numbered among the Saints. We take time to pray for the ignorant. Love yourself and others, please. Accept others for their differences, as the LDS people accept you for your problems and ignorance. Choose the right, even if you aren't a member anymore or not.

You are belittling yourself by writing unkind words. Keep your opinions to yourself and remember, that you will be accountable in the end.... for wherever you think you're going. The LDS people are not perfect people by no means, however we strive to do whats right. Satan can influence the most faithfull at times. - 09/28/2005 - Gordon B Hinckley

DO YOU ARE SON DEVIL! I see in the fire,I are the heaven! I FEEL FOR YOU,YOU LOST! - 09/27/2005 - from

This is the worst website it have visited. You will one day meet your maker!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/26/2005 - anon

you just a have a brain for pooping. big stupid. - 09/25/2005 - anon

You people really need to get a life, beyond critisizing other people! I feel sorry for you and your lack of intelligence. Good luck in your future! - 09/25/2005 - anon

All of you are ignorant FUCKS.... - 09/24/2005 - anon

I stumbled on this site by accident. It made me so sad I nearly wept. To me there is quite a gap between humor and bitter mockery. - 09/23/2005 - L. Davis, Detroit and Provo

I think you should get lives and realise how stupid you are - 09/20/2005 - anon

If you disagree with the LDS church or its ideologies, then you are right not to associate yourself with it. However, I find it very interesting that you, and others, while chosing to leave the church, cannot seem to leave it alone. Why is that?

You must really have a great deal of time on your hands. I have to admit that you are in good company with the majority of your comments above. I have a monkey, two parrots and a jackass that are of the same opinon. Have a happy! - 09/15/2005 - anon

I was born into Mormonism, i“ve seen all things positive and negative about my religion (reason why I ended up reading the stuff on your website). I“ve lived and not lived its techings and I“ve seen my life change, sometimes for good and some for bad, not necesarily because I obey or not. I“ve been liked and disliked by members of my own church, feel edified and hurt at times with talks given. But that“s only led me to know that Christ lives, and that while men are not perfect, He is. That no matter what I do wrong I can repent and see Him again. That my family can be with me forever if I live a good life. And that people like you (although wrong to my point of view) are free to think what they wish, that“s the way the Lord would have it. I only ask that you stop insulting the millions of LDS who, without ever insulting you, are being insulted everyday by this website. At least, tell the truth (the mocks of our signs or temple ceremonies is a right given to you, do what you wish in this point, that will not make my beliefs about their meaning and truthfulness change), use real talks, (or when the talks are modified, say so) is the only thing I ask of you. May the Lord bless you according to his will. - 09/15/2005 - from

i think your a stupid fake,a freak! and you shouldnt take the mick out of something just because you may not believe what mormons believe in! your sick! especially to make a web page out of it! i hope that you understand one day what sort of horrible person you are being! - 09/14/2005 - anon

Wow. You guys and gals must be really bored. Not much to do but rag on other people? I have a suggestion: If you don't like something, improve on it. Start your own church, spend your time promting it, then see how that goes. I bet there will be a number of blogs like this one out there talking about your church. The comment in the pictures above were interesting, yet ignorant. On the 14th picture down, the text over the images states: "As a prophet Joseph fails to see how he will cause his own death". How many prophets in the bible prevented their own deaths with prophecy? Do you justify the killing of people who believe differently than you? Would you kill someone who worships satan? Hopefully all who read this can stop now and realize what a waste of time this is. Oh and don't bother commenting back , I doubt I will ever come back to this site. - 09/12/2005 - anon

you are gay - 09/14/2005 - anon

The reason I adopted the LDS church was 'Hope',I once said at a meeting of brethren, if there was one thing, that I did not want to lose in my life was hope? Guess what? they took away my belief in the word 'Hope',doctrine and mystery they offered as a solution. You cannot enter the Temple unless you have been vetted and found suitable by your bishop,ceremonies? enter the visitors centre and you will be bombarded by visual images, of the possibilities of your own personal salvation,as long as you believe their doctrine.My bishop once said to me " why is it on Sundays you always make reference to the Bible and Jesus Christ but never to the book of mormon "? there in lies my hope,he could not understand my belief and suggested that I move to another church,I told him that he should not interfere with an individuals 'Hope'.

I have a long story to tell about my association with the LDS, missionaries living in my home? and the responsibilities that go with that blessing? Best stop now,before I get started. - 09/13/2005 - from

Es una lastima que habiendo sido creados por el mismo Dios tengamos que compartir el mismo planeta para existir, creo que en esta unica ocasión puedo decir que me pesa que alguien haya nacido en esta tierra.

Att Juan Luis Navas - 08/21/2005 - Costa Rica

This bullshit smells so rotten that I am not going to read ANY OF IT. - 08/21/2005 - RAM

Some people have way too much time on their hands. Go do something productive assholes. - 08/21/2005 - from non-mormon but disturbed

YOU ARE ALL SICK - 08/21/2005 - anon

whoever is doing this is very sick in the head!! youre wasting your time to do this kind of stupid thing....why dont you go and do something important that talk about other peoples.

You will get burned in the last day!! ha ha !! - 08/21/2005 - anon

looser - 08/21/2005 - anon

Boy, you people are pitiful. When someone is secure in their beliefs or lives, there is no need to trash others. I know and have lived with Latter Day Saints...and by far they are the most christian living people I have come acrossed. Because of your trash...I am joining their church because I know it to be true. So sad you have to act this way. Of course you know you will be held accountable for your actions and for driving others away from the truth. Grow up...if you think you have the liberty to speak your do, but remember the day will come when God himself (whether you belief in Him or not) you will have to answer to him. Fortunately for you He has a merciful and forgiving heart and will forgive you and others for your ignorance. Your website is demeaning and I felt evil in glancing through it. I welcome your comments. - 08/21/2005 -

dont you have anything better to do then put down other poeple's religion you must be one sorry person to have time to do these kind of things! - 08/21/2005 -

You are extremely disrepectful. What have the Genereal Authority or any members of the church ever done to you? - 08/14/2005 - volleyballdynamite16

Shut all your frikin' faces. None of you seem to know or care what a true mormon is. So if you are soooooooooo wise when it comes to being a christian, you might concider bible bashing to be the greatest sport ever created.

You may consider homosexuals to be the smartest and most holy people you've ever met.

You may think that it's ok to do everything we're commanded not to do like take the whole church out to a restaurant every sunday. I mean god's great, but he doesn't understand fun!

You may want to make a habbit of marrying, committing adultery and then divorcing over and over again, just for kicks.

You may often tell your kids not to drink and to stay chaste until marraige, even though you broke all those rules when you were in high school.

You consider porn to be a necessary evil.

you just love that modern stimulant we call coffee. Mmmmmm, can't you just smell the burnout?

As far as you know, there is no true religion, it's all good entertainment, that's why the pastors get a paycheck.

I bet you feel all warm and tingly inside from hearing about yourself like that, huh? Well, I was obviusly offended by your crap, but I just described the average non-mormon church goer, and I would actually know, my backround is half and half. So all of you quit the pathetic lies and go read the ten commandments until you actually understand them, like thou shalt not lie? By the way, I'm warning everyone I know not to ever enter this site. Have a nice day. :) - 08/14/2005 - from a REAL latter day saint

I stumbled onto this site and started reading the views and ideas of the person that owns this site. I know many LDS people. They are the best people I have ever known. How could you be so cruel to a people that is doing good and doing what they believe to be right. You should focus your time and energy toward something the same. Uplift, don't tear down, or if you are going to tear down, tear down something that really needs it. I guess something good did come out of this, I am going to ask my LDS friends about the church. If someone is trying so hard to fight against it then it's worth looking into. - 08/07/2005 - by an active Mormon pretending to be a non-Mormon attempting to shame this website

don't you feel so good laughing about other people's faith!

Jews are stupid and money grubbers
Moslems are rag-heads
Jehovah's witnesses. . .why does he need a witness?
Hindus worship 8 bajillion gods, can't they worship the same as all us normal folk?

Mmm, I do so love doing this. Especially when I know something about it (oooh, let's make fun of temple cerimonies while we're at it)

Grow up. - 08/06/2005 - anon

The people who run this website are unintelligent, uninformed idiots. You sure spend a lot of time making fun and fighting against something you know nothing about. You are wasting your life away on stuff that shouldn't be this important to you. - 07/31/2005 - from

This isn't nice at all. All the mormons I know are very nice. I don't care what they believe. If everyone in the world were more like them, we wouldn't have suicide bombers, and jerks like all of you. I have been thinking of joining the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints, and believe me, ths only increased my faith. I never want to turn out like the people on this site. - 07/31/2005 - anon

Re: Two Year Supply: It takes little in the way of brains to be rude and put down others for their beliefs. I'm not Mormon, never have been, however a little caution in case of danger never hurt anyone. The fact that you need to vent, and apparentely maintain, your anger in this way shows that you have serious issues aside from religious preference. Immaturity appears to be one of them.

When you come to rob the "good" mormons of their food you should bring enough ammo to deal with the non-mormons who are already there and willing to blow your brains out. Maybe having your own supply would be more intelligent. - 07/29/2005 - anon

You are truly sick and will pay the price for your evil comments when you meet your Maker on the other side.........people like you are falling right into Satan's plan......... - 07/29/2005 - anon

You people are very sick if you have nothing better to do than to sit around writing anti-mormon stuff. If you didn't still feel something toward the church it you wouldn't care. Joseph Smith was right when he said "you could leave the church but never leave it alone." You have proven him right. Flame on you flamers! :) - 07/29/2005 - anon

Take the hours you are wasting and go work in a homeless shelter or rock babies in the hospital.... Why are you wasting time trying to pull ANYONE down...? We are all humans and we all make our own choices...and mistakes....

I will never understand what is so great about wasting time researching ways to destroy others beliefs. Find something to do with your time that will show me why I should believe that you ARE better or smarter than me.... - 07/24/2005 - anon

i do not appreciate what you do to the mormon church. If you do not agree with it that is your choice, but don't go around making bad sayings about it. that just isn't right. No mormon has ever made a website to go down on any other religion. You have your free agency and so do i. I do not think that you should spend your free time dissing mormons. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!!! - 07/24/2005 - 15 year old mississippi mormon

Those who are paying for this website should look deeper into their hearts, on what their real intentions are. Remember this life is but a small portion of the eternities. You'll have your rewards if you don't repent. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a true church. YOU know it. You're just bitter. Just repent and the Lord will remember your sin no more. - 07/24/2005 - anon

if you don't like mormons so much...then y do you care so much about them? And from my point of view...all of what you say is incorrect. I believe in the Mormon Church and i would encourage you to as well. I ask of you humbly to stop making discrediting remarks about The Mormon Church. - 07/24/2005 - Thank You, Ty Green

I am a young LDS woman. I have to tell you that I stumbled upon your sight by mistake and it about broke my heart. Not for me but for you. If you knew anything of Mormons or of what we believe than there is no way that you would say or do such rude things. Do you believe in the Savior Jesus Christ? If you do than you must not know him or his works. He was kind and loving to all, the sinner and the humble. I hope and pray that you will be able to truly come to know your Savior because he has so much love and peace and True joy to give you. I know that he suffered and died for your sins as well as mine. I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know that the Saviors greatest desire is to see us treat each other with love and respect. I hold no anger for you for bashing my religion or what I believe in. I however hope and pray that you will find what peace and joy the Savior can bring into your life. God Bless you. - 07/18/2005 - Sarah



I cannot beleive that you spend your time making fun of the mormon religon. I have found that they are wonderful people! It sounds like all of you are so miserable in your own lives, that you feel like you have to blame it on something! All I have to say is watch out, the time will come when you will pay for this! God is very powerful!! Why don't you learn about the facts!! I'm not even Mormon and I'm discusted hearing you making fun of something that is so important to some people. Why are the people in this world so harsh? I know it sounds cheesy, but why can't we all just love eachother? It would be a much happier place. - 07/16/2005 - Sister Rodney King

"WOW!" I never thought a person was able to create such utter nonsense - congratulations for proving me wrong... - 07/15/2005 - anon

*yawn* lame. - 07/15/2005 - anon

fool - 07/15/2005 - anon

Imitation is the nicest form of flattery, :) - 07/12/2005 - anon

Editor's note: So Joseph Smith thought a lot of Masonry because he imitated their temple ceremonies.

Sad. - 07/11/2005 - anon

I recommend exorcism - fast. Before it's too late. You never know who's in there. - 07/11/2005 - anon

O thou children of hell, why do you seek to destroy something that has brought so much joy to the hearts of those who know of its truth. Know ye not that ye receive no witness until the trial of your faith? You judge an institution of God by your own "enlightened" minds with reference to a few people who made mistakes. Obviously, you have never made mistakes in your life, so throw every stone you can find at the church. You are welcome to your own opinion, but that's all it will ever be. I know the truth of the Gospel and all of your efforts only strengthen my testimony that it is true. Your faith is obviously so weak that you weren't able to withstand a gentle breeze of adversity. Faith is what I know, not because of my own knowledge or because I'm a drone, but because I've felt the teachings, the comfort, and the promptings of the Holy Ghost when I receive truth and am listening. I'm probably pulling an Abinadi and casting pearls that you've already received before swine, but I would implore anyone who has a shred of faith to seriously inquire of the Lord as Alma did, if what you are doing is sanctioned by him. - 07/08/2005 - anon

well well, ive found it very funny how people talk about the church. I mean isnt it funny how this is probably the one church that people make the most fun of? and yet isnt it funny how this is the only true church? Why does it seem to me that because we are the truest church people try and i mean that they actually "waste" there time looking for things that they think can make the church look bad. Ive once heard that people only make fun of that which they dont understand, so for all you people out there pick up a B.O.M. and read, you might actually have a change of heart!, - 07/08/2005 ~brandon~

P.S. and I would be proud to even be mentioned in the same sentence as the LDS church

don't like your site... may it catch a virus and crash all your blasphemy. - 07/10/2005 - anon

You are going directly to hell...The truth will survive - 07/03/2005 - anon

Its reassuring to know that Americans are tucked away in a separate part of the world, leaving civilization to flower unhindered. - 07/03/2005 - Frenchie Boy

If prehistoric humans had only had the intelligence and knowledge level exhibited on this page, humankind would still be trying to work out overcoming the problems of a square wheel. - 07/02/2005 - anon

Conspiracy theories abound on this site...maybe you people should start your own tabloid, like the Enquirer, or the Daily World News.... - 07/01/2005 - anon

Editor's note: Or a tabloid like the Ensign?

u guys are disguting pigs - 06/26/2005 - anon

Lampoon means to publicly criticize someone or something through sarcasm or irony. What you've created here is nothing more than pointless drivel. Ignorance, hatred and lack of respect for the beliefs of others should find no harbor in the hearts of decent men and women, regardless of moral or religious beliefs. If you truly believe this is funny, you should try laughing in front of a mirror so that you're not the only one! - 06/26/2005 - from a SMART ass

Do you ever wonder why you are depressed? Have deep down feelings of guilt, or have lost your sparkle? Well, there's still time to change that. - 06/22/2005 - submission from It's never too late in life

your very sick - 06/22/2005

I would like to say that this is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. To those this may concern:

Whomever writing these ridiculous songs should think about what they are truley saying. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has never made a point of creating controversy between any other faith or religion. It is you, the people writing these things, who have created the controversy between the mormons and yourselves.

Mormons believe in choice and accountability, saying that you have the choice to do what you will. But remember, with every choice, there is a consequence, either good or bad. So whom ever writing these songs should be prepared for the consequences awaiting them in the end. The Latter Day Saints have never taught anything other than the truth and whome ever writing these songs should think about the first ammendment in the Bill of Rights....Freedom of Religion. So before taking the church's very songs and turning them into blasphemy, remember that the reason you are in this country is to obtain your freedom. Shouldn't the Latter Day Saints have the freedom to live without the ridicule of others just as you have? - 06/22/2005 - Concerned Reader

u guys are the most horrible people on this earth. u guys kno that none of the stuff u post on this website is true. U guys are just mad becuz the church either threw u out or u didnt feel the spirit lik everyone else. U have nothig better to do? i mean really its sooo pathetic howu can just post all these horrible things and feel content about it. But ur time will come and when the truth is revealed u will crap in ur pants. and wis that u were still part of the church. The church is true and guys dont understand it so u make up stuff that snt tru.And the photos are like crap. U guys have no effect on the LDS church beczu we have faith in out church andwe KNOW the truth and u guys dont. U have nothing we want. Yea maybe u get to drink and go out on sundays and u dont have to sit at church for 3 hours lik u say or pay tithng but members of the church kno y we have to. And it is what the Lord wants us to do. WE have kno care on what u do to try to effect otehrs but ur only hurting urselves. Have a nice time in hell.

i am leaving u my eamil so go ahead and mail back and mail back ur phone number. Ull have a big suprisng phone call that u are not ready to handle. - 06/20/2005 - from

I am very offended by your "dolls". These things are sacred and not to be kid around with. Our prophet is a prophet of God. His face is not a toy. I'm not trying to be rude but this has offended myself and probably others. Please cancel your page and make a new unbiased one. Thank you. - 06/19/2005 - anon

What a stupid page!!!!!! - 06/19/2005 - anon

what have you got against LSD people? - 06/18/2005 - Timothy Leary on the other side of Kolob

How can you call your website "latter day saints laughing together??? You are obviously NOT latter day saints! - 06/18/2005 - anon

You Are So Going To Hell! - 06/18/2005 - anon

All of you need to think about what you are saying and repent. Now. - 06/18/2005 - from Dallin W.

get a life - 06/18/2005 - anon

Wow! I think some people have way too much time on their hands. How sad you all are. - 06/18/2005 - anon

I bumped into this site while looking for a copy of the prophet, Joseph Smith's genealogical chart. I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for almost 7 years. They have been the best years of my life and I am extremely grateful that I gained my testimony of the truthfulness of the restored Gospel after having been a very happy Methodist for 53 years. I am also very grateful to my Methodist family for their love and guidance and the testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ that I received as a child. If you too are still looking for "the whole story" please don't allow the rantings of hate filled people to lead you away from the truth. The intensity of the anger directed toward my church is very telling. Why? What's the point? Jesus Christ told us to Love our enemies. Why then would someone professing Him spend their life hate mongering a people that wish them no harm. This much I knew before I joined the church ... it isn't the Holy Spirit that inspires hatred. I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ. - 06/11/2005 - from Betsy Price

you are stupide - 06/11/2005 - anon

Does all this beligerance really make you feel better about yourselves? It's all rather silly and sad to me. I like being LDS and I like LDS people. - 06/11/2005 - anon

This site is a form of self-abuse. - 06/11/2005 - anon

wow, this really sucked, i'm still asking myself why i wasted all 10 minutes looking at this stupid page - 06/06/2005 - anon

What a bunch of Morons. - 06/05/2005 - anon

Thank you so much for this site. It has strengthened my testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). You have spent so much time and effort on this site to help you and others convince yourselves that the church is not true, that I know it must be true. Otherwise, you would just say, "it is not true" and go about your life. But, you are vigorously engaged in mocking the Lord. I must admit I would have to do the same. If I were to leave the church, I would have to join you and fight against it, I would have to have daily re-enforcement from sites like yours to convince me that the church is wrong, otherwise, I might hear that still small voice. But you guys are obviously loud enough to drowned out the spirit of the Lord. Good Job. I'm sure Satan is proud of this site. Thanks again. - 06/03/2005 - anon

Editor's note: Glad to be of service. My testimony of Santa Claus has continually been strenghtened since the day my parents told me that he did not really exist. The more they have denied Santa's existence over the years, the stronger my testimony of Santa has become. I thank my parents for challenging my deepest spiritual convictions of Santa. Oh, and I know Santa's twelve elves are true too!

One should pray to ask God to know the truth-- this guy that made this awful and not funny website, whoever he is, is making fun of Prophets called by God. If you read the Bible, you will realize that wicked people in all ages have criticized the prophets of their day (a prophet is a mortal, called by God to do his work). There is not much real logical discussion on any one subject, and no consideration of possible rebuttals. - 06/03/2005 - anon

This is against the Lord. Is a great offenses to the Lord Our God.. Caution!! - 06/03/2005 - anon

The amazingly large amount of information you have on your site, and the ferocity with which you attack members and leaders of the LDS Church make me wonder about your motivations. Did someone representing the Church do something horrible to you? Or is it that by creating such a vindictive site you are justifying a lifestyle that you know deep down is not the kind you should be living? I don't know you, so I can't tell, but someone who has gone to this much trouble is doing it for a specific reason. - 05/29/2005 - Still Small Voice

are any of you really mormons? i was just searching for mormon temples and i came across this site.. this really does make me sick. get a life and stop critisising the church. - 05/28/2005 - anon

As i read through these remarks, one thing is evedent. There is anger and resentment from so many of you. You seem to not want any rules to life. You want the blessing of life hear on earth, but you dont want anyone to tell you how to live unless it conforms to what you want to do. You should all become Catholics then. They go and act religious and leave church and do whatever they want and then just confess and do over again next week. You guys just want an easy life with no rules, no guilt. Well, we were put here for a reason. It is a trial and test to see who will endure. I think that if you all were truely secure with the choice to leave the church and were so happy you would move on and not stay in the state of preaching anti. It is within yourselves you should seek answers...not trying to deny the right ones.

Whatever you should choose is your choice...noone takes that from you and someday you will see that. - 05/28/2005 - NOT a "Blacksheep"

I think it is hilarious you actually spent your time making this! haha. I think you REALLY need to find something better to do, it is actually pretty sad. - 05/28/2005 - anon

I came across thois fantasy filled page and had a good laugh. Men don't do initiatories for women, yada yada yada.. but keep the lie alive, it's entertaining for the intelligent tmb. - 05/28/2005 - from TMB

You know your life must be pretty sad when you dedicate your life to making fun of people. This site is a joke..I mean really lets take things people respect and live by and just go out of way to make fun of them. Way to go Lampoon, I am truly glad all of you left the probably didnt leave but were forced does if feel? to be rejects of a cult...Laughs on YOU!! We will see who is laughing last...I am sure GOD thinks all of this is Hilarious!! - 05/28/2005 - anon


what was it that you guys did wrong to take offense to your the bible god said we WILL be condemed by our words. GOOD LUCK and do something constructive. - 05/23/2005 - anon

The people that run this website are pathetic. Why would they waste so much time trying to bring the members of the Church down? It is really quite sad how jealous they must be of the faithful LDS members' happiness to go through all the trouble of creating this lame website that they probably think is so clever. - 05/22/2005 - anon

You are sorry losers. Seriously, you guys need to get a life. Please. - 05/22/2005 - anon

I can't believe I wasted my time here !!! Some funny, but mostly stupid. To whoever runs this site, its would probably be a good idea to find a new hobby. - 05/21/2005 - anon

Wow, I think you're right. The church is bad. Or more precisely certain churches are bad, because they produced hateful damaged vindictive individuals like you. Perhaps the leadership needs to look at this. Not all stakes are this way, and most Mormons live happy fulfilled lives. - 05/20/2005 - from Jim C

How sad am i, i just read all these comments. SO here's saving the rest of u guys some time by summing it all up.....anti mormons need to get a life, and so do those mormons who get offended by them.....i'm a firm lds believer, but i dont go around bashing other's faith and those of u non-lds, if u dont believe in mormonism, who cares, get on with ur life...i dont believe in the Baptist faith, but u dont see me critisizing those believer. any ways God bless all of you, regardless of ur faith:) - 05/21/2005 -

readin your website is like cleaning my toilet i never know what dirt i'm gonna find. - 05/21/2005 - anon

I am sure you won't think it is so funny when you face your judge in the hereafter! Your remarks about something so sacred will be your ticket to what you deserve for your disgusting distortion of remarks made by those you should be listening to instead of mocking. Apparently your four year old is on the same path as you, and you are responsible for his future and will be responsible for his downfall along with yours! You are truly being influenced by Satan in the worst way! It's sad that people like you polute the internet. I borrowed a man's computer to find something edifying and clicked onto this disgusting mockery of something beautiful..... (a defender of what is true, not like you portray) - 05/21/2005 - anon

I think both ex-Mormons and Mormons need to find A LITTLE LOVE - 05/21/2005 - Sister Sego Lily Woodstock

I can't believe what I am reading. You're ridculing children who froze to death as if it is all some kind of joke. This goes way beyond whether you agree with Mormonism. It's just pathetic, get a life and do something meaningful with your time. - 05/21/2005 - anon

How do you feel about blood atonement and would you like to give it a try? - 05/20/2005 - Elray Christiansen

I am a very devout Mormon. Throughout my life, I have learned almost all I can about church doctrine. I have an extremely analytical mind, and am a perfectionist. I can't help but notice mistakes. There are no mistakes in this religion, and if you know the doctrine, it all makes sense together. There is no way that Joseph Smith could have put together such a well-organized religion by himself. Surely he was inspired, whether by God, or by the devil. Wait, though. Why on earth would the devil begin, and continue to inspire an organization that brings about so many righteous people? Look at all the charity and kindness that the church stands for. Look at the standards of the members. Jesus Christ said "by their fruits shall ye know them." Joseph Smith was inspired from God. - 05/15/2005 - Troubled Mind

I find this very affensice that was very rude!!! - 05/14/2005 - anon

Get a life! Why degrade something you know nothing about or know on a miniscule basis. Find a better use for your time than bashing something which we consider sacred.

Sorry I even bothered. - 05/14/2005 - Theodore R. Phillips

Get a life. - 05/12/2005 - anon

Editor's note: Excuse us. We thought the saying was "Get an eternal life."

How sad you have made such an awful site. You truley are wirking for the devil. - 05/10/2005 - anon

Everyone has there own beliefs..... But it really is Dishonorable and Disrespectful to mock another persons beliefs.

This is all I have to say at this time. - 05/09/2005 - anon

Editor's note: Now if the talks in General Conference were only this short!

I hope you burn in hell - 05/09/2005 - anon


You make me sick with your sick,twisted mind. How dare you make a mockery of something that is so sacred to someone else. It is obvious from your warped mind however,that you haven't a clue about anything to do with all that you are making fun of. How stupid are you? What kind of a moron takes all of this time out of his obviously busy day( probably because you don't have a job), to do all of this, so called research on the church and of our prophet. This must have taken hours and hours. Well pal, it's too bad that you have sold hour birthright for a mess of pottage and while we're on the subject, hopefully, your little boy has more brains than you in the future. I can't wait for judgement day. I want a front row seat, for when you are separated from your family and left all alone. I wonder who will be laughing then. You are an absolute moron and you deserve everything you get in the next life. Hey, give me a call. I'd love for my family and myself to come down for a barbeque ! on a saturday night sometime,( if you get my drift and believe me, you will.)The Lord will not be mocked. Maybe you should have given that a little more thought, before you wrote such degrading articles, but hey, you'll be too busy to write soon, because you will have the privilege of seeing your little kindergartener engage in the sexual activities that you enjoy so much. What do you know. It looks like the joke is on you. You are an embarrassment to society and to religion in general. Of course, coming from someone with no character at all, actually I pity you. - 05/08/2005 - shocked out of my precious sacred underwear

I am sorry to see that people have set apart time to disrespect the mormon church. I hope that those who are LDS and come across this sight remember to handle the anger in christ like manner. I realize it offends many people who love the mormon religion and understand it to a point where it has and will continue to better their life. Please though if you have read this and dont agree react in a christ like manner. Calling names and being dis-respectful to anyone is not something our church teaches. Clearly, whoever has written and agrees with this type of discrimination misunderstands the mormon religion. I hope with time they will come to understand the meaning and teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints i know from my own experience after being on both sides of the fence that this is the true church. Through faith and obedience we can all become reach true happiness. Thanks. Pray for them or ignore them. A reaction is all they want. Make it positive! - 05/05/2005 - sappy control freak

Maybe you could reverse the R and the T; for CRT Choose Religious Tolerance. Or how about BHB for Bring Hitler Back. HYG for Hitler Youth Grad. Don't forget MCCG; for Mormon Concentration Camp Gard. STF for Stoke Them Fires, because if you get your way you're going to have alot of bodies to burn. KAC Kill All Christians. KID for Kill Infidal Dogs. You guys have a lot to live up to. Hitler and his croonies killed 6 million. You guys better get started soon. You damned Nazi.

Yeah, Yeah I know the drill you won't post this one. Got to sensor that email. Maybe you guys can call this site The New Pravda. Hey thats another one TNP. - 05/01/2005 - anon

Maybe you could reverse the R and the T; for CRT Choose Religious Tolerance. Or how about BHB for Bring Hitler Back. HYG for Hitler Youth Grad. Don't forget MCCG; for Mormon Concentration Camp Gard. STF for Stoke Them Fires, because if you get your way you're going to have alot of bodies to burn. KAC Kill All Christians. KID for Kill Infidal Dogs. You guys have a lot to live up to. Hitler and his croonies killed 6 million. You guys better get started soon. You damned Nazi.

Yeah, Yeah I know the drill you won't post this one. Got to sensor that email. Maybe you guys can call this site The New Pravda. Hey thats another one TNP. - 05/01/2005 - anon

You think I'm going to send you love mail? SURPRISE. You're a prideful apostate and you're going straight to hell hell hell. I know Joseph Smith founded the only true church. I know this and you know it too, so why play all these silly games and pretend you were never told the truth? Why? - 05/01/2005 - from 2Mormon4U

what's that I smell? ... burning flesh! - 04/29/2005 - from Be wanred

sad sad sad - 04/29/2005 - anon

some day All of you who write all this will be in the precens of the Eternal God The creator of all of you , and HE himself will tell you what is truth , and I hope you ask for forgiveness before his great day, but this I know That He lives as you live , that He is all powerfull God kings of Kings My Savior your Savior MY GOD your GOD. - 04/29/2005 -

you sight sucks please you people will all pay when the lord comes again and call you all to reprent for your sins maybe he will go easy on you i hope he doesn't - 04/29/2005 -

you people call your selves christens you are not better than those who sent christ to the cross i'm not morman but i think every body has the right to believe what they want don't put them down because you can't live by the teachings. - 04/27/2005 - anon

So how come you guys don't post all the emails you do get? Seems to me you guys are trying to sensor thought and ideas. Isn't that what cults do? You point your fingers at others and do the same thing you accuse them of. Hmmmm......sounds like I shouldn't believe what you guys have to say either. - 04/27/2005 - anon

poor children, it is sad that you were not welcome in the mormon church. a good attempt at revenge, but unfortunately it would be only funny to those familiar with the details of the mormon religion such as prophets, events, history, the book of mormon. so really...few people think you are funny! but you are on the right track! maybe someday people will actually care about anti-mormon material. unlikely - 04/26/2005 - anon

NO talent, Sick thoughts, vulgar, rude,lack of understanding of the church, and Americans that think they are funny, but not! - 04/20/2005 - anon

It's sad to see anyone make fun or belittle anyone elses beliefs. I hope you don't think God is on your side no matter whether the LDS church is true or not... “The Mormon contribution to American life is beyond meaning...They are the contributions of love and joy; faith and family; of work and community. They are a dedication to the values that are at the heart of free nations-and good ones- and they are a faith in the promise of tomorrow.” - 04/20/2005 - Former Pres Ronald Reagan

idiots, general conference is a blessing and i dont care if people like you want to die and be done, but stop messing with us, you have no right and obiously you have no brains or reasoning capasity. you are living in your little cube of repression that is blinding you, open one wall, open your eyes and you will feel the gospel thw way i did. i know you are not going to stop but let me tell you i'll be the one smiling seeng you been suck by satan. - 04/19/2005 - anon

I was looking for conference talks and came across your website. You definately have way too much time on your hands. Why not spend your time doing something positive. I was sad to see and hear the means things you use your time on. Don't waste your time tearing people down, build someone up, do something good, the world needs positive, uplifting people. Let's all make this a better world to live in and love each other!!! - 04/19/2005 - Mr. Time and all eternity

You are SICk who ever made this site. You are wasy SICK. Shame on you. Why would you do antyhing liek this? You need to do some serious sepenting -04/19/2005 - from trish_loves_jeremy2004

your a friggin dipwank mate...your a COMPLETE APOSTATE!....I'll leave it up to the Lord to judge you...i feel sorry for you that oyu dont live your life the way they do, and your that depressed and sad - 04/19/2005 - anon

I feel sorry for you. You must harbor some very dark secrets....There is a way to peace and happiness and i asure you its not the way you are walking. - 04/19/2005 - I Spy

Thank you for sharing your views about the latter day saints, and the prophet Joseph Smith. I think its just great how people like you are so against this religion, it just proves to me even more that this is the true church. no one bothers other religions, so why this one? Because this is the only true church. I feel so sorry for you that you are this pathetic. its obvious to me that you have such an unfulfilled life you have to lower yourself to this. but i would like to say this. THANK YOU FOR HELPING THIS INACTIVE MEMBER GAIN HER TESTIMONY BACK. NOW I KNOW HOW MUCH THIS CHURCH MEANS TO ME. -LOSER! Many Thanks, Tula X Testimony T-Rex - 04/19/2005

Aaron Kooienga Bapstised October 16th 2004 Confirmewd October 17th 2004. I am not ex comunicated am not leaveing and never will and to all those who have left plese read PEace of Consince Peace of Mind by Elder Richerd G. Scto or the 1985 December message of the Firs Prsecndcey just think over what im saying and rember no mater how far you have strayed Christ loves you and will never abandon you i wasnerely at a pointy of wishing for excomunication and thankfully i did not go through with it so plese come back to the peace and securiety of The Church think over what i have said post it dont post it i dont care just hear me out. - 04/08/2005 - Aaron Kooienga

why do you spend so much time tring to bring down this faith? you need to get a life. I truly feel you will burn in hell for what you do to other peoples faith. I have many lds friends and have studied the lds chruch and culture and you are a liar! why dont you put that you are a liar on your site? were you kicked out of their church for being a big fat looser and now you are mad? The devil has his hand on your hart and his power over you. you need to chang this. - 04/06/2005 - anon

Get your facts right buddy. Go through all of your "lampoons" which are false and fabercated. And you'll realise the truth. Pretty shure the bible says to be christ like right? Well we all have a lot of work towards that, but you are in the wrong direction. - 04/06/2005 - anon

Wow you have no life! Do you really not feel bad or guilty about this retarded site that makes you look like a man or woman with no soul. If you arent LDS, then maybe you should look up and study the church before you start bashing it. If you are a member, than you have some serious problems to deal with. Maybe you all (as in everyone that bashes the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) should read the Book of Mormon before you actually start bashing history. Do some homework and see what you find and then see if you have the soul to rip on a great faith and the ONLY TRUE CHURCH ON THE EARTH! Nothing that anybody says or does will EVER make me leave the true church of Christ. My testimony is too strong for such low-lifes to change my beliefs. I AM AN 19 YEAR OLD SON OF GOD AND A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. Gordon B Hinckley is the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator of God and Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was and still is a true Prophet of God a! nd Jesus Christ. He translated the Book of Mormon and restored the only true church on this earth. Before anybody doubts or denies my testimony, read the Book of Mormon and ponder and pray about it. If you dont do that then all your trash talking that you are doing on the church has no value. READ IT THEN TRY TO TALK TRASH! ANYONE EMAIL ME ABOUT ANYTHING YOU WANT ABOUT THIS PAGE AND I WILL GLADLY REPLY. - 04/05/2005 -

My goodness me, I am stunned by all of these messages of why you left the church. Your stories are in complete contrast to mine. You were leaders, temple workers and families .... how did you get baptised if you had these feelings? I never believed anything until I prayed about it. No one can influence the answer you get to prayer - it is between you and God.

In 1985 I learnt about the church, I read the Book of Mormon, and read about Joseph Smith. I knelt down and prayed and asked if what I had read was true. I had a amazingexperience. I heard a voice calling me by name and saying yes it is true. At the same time I had a warm feeling in my chest which grew and grew. I knew then that the Church was true.

Many people, television programs, videos, literature etc etc told me other things about the Church. I watched the anti-videos, I read the anti-literature, and the original accounts, I watched the programs and listened to what people had to say.

If I left it at that, I wouldn't still be a member of the Church, but even though I was concerned, I knew only God had the answers. So, without making any decisions of my own, I knelt down again and prayed about all the anti stuff. When I asked God if Joseph Smith was his prophet, my whole body was overwhelmed by peace and warmth and a positive yes.

I had received my answer. No matter what anti stuff is going about, If God tells me Joseph Smith was telling the truth, and was his prophet, it doesn't matter about anything else.

It is not too late to rethink your actions. You are missed at church. You once had testimonies. You have let them slip. Think back to when you were taught the gospel. Didn't you feel warm about what you were taught? Forget about all the reasons why you left, and what your concerns were. Right now, ask Heavenly Father if you have misjudged, and ask him yourself if Joseph Smith was a prophet. God hears your prayers. He is close by. Reach out to him and ask for strength to do what is right.

You are loved. Go visit your local latterday saint church this week. Take the time to rethink your decission. If your thoughts are still the same, you haven't lost anything, but if you feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit you need to do something about it.

Go and have a chat with the Bishop. Good luck. Love from a friend. - 04/05/2005 - England 2005

I'd never seen this site before, and I guess I wish it had stayed that way. Lampooning of this type to men and women who have spent their life trying to help others is just sick. Why do you need so badly to pull the good and great down to your level? - 04/04/2005 - from tom

The people who maintain this site are obviously followers of Jesus. I am sure that he is proud of them. There is no chance that he would rather have them...I don't know, do something worthwhile with their lives. Even if the LDS religion isn't true, I see no excuse for the lies and defamation propegated on this web site. I seem to recall the Savior saying something along the lines of, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." If you are looking for answers about religion of any type, you are at the wrong web site. Anybody who supports anti-religion garbage in ANY form is obviously misled. Although Christ did denounce sin, I do not recall any references, Biblical or other in which he made fun or light of other's beliefs. He was in all ways understanding and respectful of others. I hope that the publishers of this site can find peace in their soul at some point. Their self-esteem must be quite low if they need to hurt others to feel good about themselves. May God bless all seekers of truth, that they may find peace in Jesus Christ and His gospel. - 04/04/2005 - anon

I believe the Mormon Church to be the only true church on earth today. The scriptures say the Jesus Christ will restore all things in the last days. No other church claims that Jesus Chirst himself is the founder of their church. I find this artical full of lies. - 03/30/2005 - anon

Not too original. Anybody can make fun of people or beliefs. I guess my only question after reading all this anti-Mormon stuff is what are you offering, lots of blow hards but I haven't seen any solutions or answers after all the accusations. I find it compelling that the Mormon Church site mentions nothing of other churches or their beliefs but only explains their own. Just a different feel I guess. - 03/28/2005 - anon
Editor's note: Sorry, but this is from the official web site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

"My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.

I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all awrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." - Joseph Smith History verses 18 & 19 - Pearl of Great Price

you guys are so funny.... just keep telling yourself that... - 03/27/2005 - anon
Editor's note: What a coincidence. The Lampoon just sent an email to the First Presidency which said, "You guys are so spiritual... just keep telling yourselves that..."

This website is disgusting and dishonorable. - 03/27/2005 - anon

Indeed you will see the light of Kolob someday. But you will never reach it. So nanny nanny boo boo. - 03/27/2005 - from

dude let me tell you,you apparently have not ever gone to our church or else you would know it is spelled LATTER. and we are uneducated? so this thus far shows your wonderderful falsehood thus written on this website.remember we are latter day saints so we aren't dumb enough not to know how to spell LATTER, so next think twice before speak.duh even in your website it is spelled latter you are complete morons. - 03/26/2005 - anon
Editor's reply: WTF?

You can bash mormons all you want. I consider myself an agnostic. I was raised in the church and I too questioned it's truth. However I cannot see what any other christian religion has to offer. You can say the Book of Mormon is not true. Ok fine; prove to me the Bible is true. As for the LDS church being a cult; I would say no. I have the free will to do as I wish and always did. I have never been brainwashed.

If the LDS church is a cult then all christian religion is a cult. I wouldn't give up my church upbringing for anything. I no longer go to the LDS church as I question it's truth as well as you do. However, thanks to the LDS church I have never abused alcohol or drugs. I thank God for this (If there is one). As my father was raised in a alcoholic catholic family. My fathers brothers and sisters drink constantly. My cousins as well. One receiving 115 sitches in his face due to drunk driving. The LDS church saved my father from alcoholism and by saving him from it; saved me. I now work in a hospital ICU and see these substance abusers come in all the time. Lifelong alcohlics coughing up blood, bleeding out and dying, because they couldn't quit drinking and there was no way to stop the bleeding. Drug fiends coming in and out of their minds for us to save them so they can go do it again. You talk trash about all the things you can about the LDS church, but none of the good. I know you won't post this email as you seem to be very selective in the emails you do post. So, I'll end this by quoting a great mormon on South Park, "Lick my Balls!" - 03/26/2005 - anon

I would just like to state that your website is filled with innacurate information on members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You stated that Mormons is our real name. This is a false statement. The nickname Mormons was given to us because we teach the truth of the Book of Mormon. It was the name of one of our prophets but not the name of our church. You also stated we were a cult. I would like to put into question your definition of the word cult. clearly by previous, and such statements as, 'fudge off, you smelly piles of poop',you are a rather uneducated person. You can bash on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints all you want, just know your information before you are handing it out. - 03/25/2005 - from

How come you perv's are so scared of the mormons ? Sounds like your brain dead liers. Grow up freaks. Nobody is listning anyway. Seem the mormon church is growing faster than any other.... Now go find an AA meeting or check your meds.......... I have know many mormons. They are just fine. They do not suffer the truth they believe. By the way .. have you been checked for HIV lately? - 03/25/2005 - anon

Lotts of bad karma here. - 03/25/2005 - anon

i have been a member of the church for almost 20 years.i am really hurt that people would create such a website.i have been to many churchs with many nice people never a bad word to there religon.judge not lest you be judged.i have been blessed to a wonderful family who raised me in the church,and in turn for my faith god has blessed me greatly.i now have a wonderful husband and beautiful 18 month old daughter who in her life has only been sick once, a wonderful blessing from god.i see other children sick and dying from a world of hatred such as this website and it breaks my heart.latter day saints is what we are and we are very proud to admit it.they have always been there in my time of need no matter my faults and they're there for everyone even's sad that all day you do nothing but tear people down you are the world that god leads us from you have the right to chose but chose wisely for your future relies on a tiny thread, to cut or to strenghen is your choic! e.please please im not saying be a latter day saint i'm just asking to respect others religons as god has asked us to do.have some respect for other people and yourselves as well. - 03/25/2005 - anon

Keep up the great work, Herr Goebbels. - 03/23/2005 - anon

you guys are the best..keep the falsehood coming......i love truth. - 03/22/2005 - anon

you suck - 03/21/2005 - anon

Boy, you sure spend a lot of time making fun of the Mormon Church. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? You all just sound like miserable bitter ex-mormons. Just remember that the church will grow with or without you because it is true. It doesn't need you but you need it. - 03/21/2005 - anon

This is Stupid - 03/19/2005 - anon

IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS YOUR LOVE MAIL, IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do you get off creating a website like this one?????????????????????? - 03/19/2005- anon

You spend all of your money on coffee beans and intellectual social gatherings at Starbucks, and then complain that the Church made you pay a measly ten percent.

You have some strange obsession with President Packer and spend every waking moment trying to berate the man, despite the fact he has never said anything offensive and has been chosen by the Lord himself to be a special witness. - 03/19/2005 - from Tai

cant help but notice thier is more not so nice mail than love mail,, can so many people still be wrong? Can't you find something better to do with your time or are you so pathetic that your life revolves around bashing mormons. - 03/16/2005 - anon
Editor's note: What a coincidence. 70% of Mormons don't attend Church. Could 70% of Mormons be wrong? Thanks for the great logic lesson.

Didn't know hitler was back inpower, you bunch of nazi, hypocrites. who are you to judge, why aren't you picking on other religions, what are you?? Did you forget the bible is from the jews?? Are you jewish?? - 03/15/2005 - anon

All I can ask is why? Why so much hate, sounds to me that you need to take up residence in the middle east they seem more like your kind. - 03/15/2005 - anon

we r only sixteen and seventeen year olds and we cn see how pathetic and deprived u were as cn u tlk bout sumthin that u dnt knw anythin about,have u even gone 2 a mormon church??im guessin nt cuz there is no way u wud tlk this much crap!!wot can be wrong wit people wanting 2 b different from all the drugies and peedos in the world??ur pathetic and we feel extremly sorry 4 u!!if teenagers cn c how pathetic u r jst how evey 1 else feels!get a life!! sad act!! - 03/13/2005 - anon

I am only going to be here once, so here it goes, I didn't find it funny, interresting but not funny, and i have to agree with anon the apostles r men of God and they should not be mocked in any form what so ever. I mean you all respect God right? Well as u mock his apostles then you mock HIM a well. Just think about it for me, and listen to the "small still voice". - 03/12/2005 - from mormon girl

I dont know why you people make such a fuss about all this. Just leave it alone. you do your worship and let them do theirs. It's not their fault that they have so many people that want to attend Conference. It just shows how true their church is. - 03/09/2005 - from Getting Along

If all of you decided to leave the LDS church, it's fine by me. But leave with a little dignity. Crying over spilled milk looks really pathetic. Why don't you make your lives into something more productive. If you get a divorce, you find someone else and move on with your life. Bitterness will only grow more and more until you are completely consumed by it. Use your zeal for something other than hate. - 03/05/2005 - anon

you are wasting your life with this web site - 03/05/2005 - anon

May God forgive all of you for your unrighteous choices in airing your promises to God - 02/26/2005 - anon

this website is so horrible is totally degrades the mormon religion i totally sustain all the brethren and sisters that were mentioned on this website but i dont like this website - 02/26/2005 - anon

going through quite a lot of trouble to damn yourself arent you? - 02/14/2005 - anon

I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ all of my life (my father has too). This church has brought me the greatest joy ever, I have done community service with them. I have not drank anything or smoked anything, keeping myself clean while some of my friends are killing themselves with drugs. I will pray for you considering how ignorant you are. Even if you don't like mormons you can't say all this bogus stuff about them. If you even knew the littlest bit about the mormon church you would say those are very nice people, but I don't agree with them. How dare you turn all these people away from the chruch with the strange ideas of yours. I challenge you to actually go to a mormon church and interact with the people, you might see things differently. i am sorry if I seem rude etc. I just feel so threatened when you talk about the people I love like that. Open you mind to other religions. - 02/13/2005 - anon

I can't believe you don't have anything better to do than persecute other people. How sad and pathetic! - 02/13/2005 - anon

why do you feel it necessary to make fun of other people's religions? I am so confused... perhaps you could just go on with your own life, that is if you can find something else to do. Besides, the church isn't hurting anyone, mormons are taught to help people and to show love and compassion. I think its time for you to move on and get a life. - 02/13/2005 - anon

omg! this website is evil! - 02/13/2005 - anon

I feel sorry for you. All that time spent and what will you receive? Good luck! - 02/13/2005 - anon

I am so sorry that you can't see what we really are. This isn't what any of you were meant to do - 02/13/2005 - anon

You are trying too hard - just walk away if that is what you need to do. Your truth is no less subjective than theirs. But mocking what is sacred to others is unkind no matter how silly it seems to you. - 02/13/2005 - from mmi

I recongize that everyone needs validation and justification, for those people I commend you. I, however, happened upon this website by accident and am sorry that I did. Not because of the few minutes of my life that I will never get back, but because I am truly sorry for those people who validate themselves by attacking a group who finds happiness and meaning in life by learning of God, Christ and salvation.

Why attack someone who has found comfort and peace in a religion, any religion. In this case, a religion that establishes moral truths and priciples, such as honesty, hardwork, charity, abstinence, financial stability and so forth. Damn them right?

Our society has ample of each of these characteristics, why not hop on the train of immorality, violence, irresponsibility, victimization and selfishness. I for one applaud any group or organization that supports education, service, charity, honesty and humility. I also recognize that people are imperfect and you will find fault in everyone - regardless of their denomination. So lets try and foster love and kindness and perhaps even a little gratitude for the Judeo-Christian community that still strives to incorporate a sense of moral responsiblity in our youth and in our society.

You guys are all losers. Go find a life. - 02/13/2005 - anon

The authors of this website are a bunch of sad pathetic individuals, may they rest in peace, but i suspect its more like rot in hell. 02/13/2005 - from me@myself.i

I am sooooooo sorry that you are telestial material. As for your comments and presentations on this site, you are in good company. I have a monkey, two parrots and a Jackass that are of the same opinion!

Have a Happy! - 02/13/2005 - Dr. Dolittle
Editor's note: Shame on you for calling Hinckley a monkey, Monson and Faust and parrots and Packer as a jackass.

you disgust me! - 02/13/2005 - anon

Nothing will be accomplished from your slander. The door of criticism and hypocracy always swings both ways. - 02/13/2005 - anon
Editor's note: That's why the Church Orifice Building has revovling doors.

you guys should just get a life and stop worrying about what other people believe cause it doesn't hurt you if they believe in something you don't. Go get a job do something to help people in life rather than just talk crap on what someone else believes. - 02/13/2005 - anon

Have you guys ever considered colonic irrigation? There's evidently some toxic crap you need to get out of your systems. - 02/12/2005 - from Psychologe

It is sad to see you take shots a good people like the LDS people who have done nothing wrong to deserve your uninformed hatred. I feel sad when I read this kind of bigotry. I feel sorry for you. The world is a miserable place when it can take time out to harpoon good folks. I do't understand this at all. In a world that is experiencing such upheaval, it seems that kindness and understanding would be a better approach. I am profoundly disappointed in this website. - 02/12/2005 - david.arnall

I just want to know that this website really shocked me and that was what you want. well, i know deep inside that you have some clear feelings about this church, good or bad, i dont know. hope you reconsider those feelings and do what you know your heat feels like. I can only say that am able to forgive you, though it doent matter to you, but i try not to think of negatives thoughts of you for i myself is not fair judge. I just hope that the fair judge wil give you a chance. - 02/11/2005 - from pringles21

Editor's note: Elisa, thanks for opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

You guys are rediculous, how about spending a little time on working out your own salvation. Many of you seem to be "anti-mormon" but pro-nothing. Oh by the way, Latter-Day Saints aren't perfect, but working on it. - 02/11/2005 - anon

Lets look at the big pix. These highly spiritual men and woman are not only supported by God but they also have the backing of millions of people. I guess if you want to make satan your bestfriend and do what ever he tells you that's your business. Just be careful who you make friends with because that is who's house your going to live in for All eternity in a place with no doors or windows. - 02/11/2005 - anon

To all the faithful latter-day saints out there: Gandhi said "...first they mock you, then they fight you... then you win". Let these folks say what they may. All this means is that some interest in the Church existed within them, but unfortunately for them they asked the wrong source. - 02/10/2005 - from Danny - Active LDS & Military Member

Give it up... your site is pathetic. - 02/10/2005 - anon

I hate to say it, but I'm not sure where this letter should go. I'm a 28 year old mother of four. Happily married for eight years to a wonderful man, and a devout member of the LDS church. I'm just not sure what your intentions are with this website. Are you trying to deter people away from the church? If the answer is "yes", then why? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has brought me so much happiness in my life. Why would you want to take that away from someone. I happen to know that the church is true, but IF I were to die and find out I was wrong all this time, I could still live eternity knowing that the time I spent on Earth was time spent caring for others, lifting those who are down, helping the poor and the needy.

I don't spend my time trying to tear others down. I don't expect you to change your beliefs, but I do ask that you rethink your tactics. I just can't understand how making others unhappy could make you happy. How laughing at others brings you joy. There is fun, and then there is joy. You are having fun. Find some joy in life and you'll know what I'm talking about. Real joy. It's out there. Serving others, the way Christ did, will bring you joy. Christ didn't mock poeple. I just can't see what you're trying to get done. - 02/10/2005 - anon

what is the point of this nonsence. Take this site off - 02/10/2005 - anon

All you Guys are stupid ,U cant make fun of these holy men. -2/09/2005 - anon

A hive of misinformation. - 0207/2005 - from Goebbels would be proud of you

Your website is a disgrace. You are so rude. - 02/06/2005 - anon

Your websiteis offensive and I hope tht you would quite insulting my religion that is rude and I don't appriciate it. - 02/06/2005 - anon

We are certainly in the last days before the return of the Lord Jesus to earth. Sin is rampant on planet earth. Good is evil and evil is good to those in the world who have rejected God and His Word. Evil in the world is growing progressively worse. In the days ahead the wicked will grow more evil and sin will be more appealing to the lost.

A sin that has reached social acceptability is the sin of sodomy. Forty years ago the homosexuals were deep in their little closets doing their perverted acts in secret. However today everything has changed. People have come out of the closet and now practice sodomy openly for all to see. With the full blessings of society and the law makers sodomy is now a valid form of relationship. Benefits are now paid to same-sex couples. Another interesting point is this trend is worldwide. Sodomy is acceptable at a worldwide level. It is not just the USA or Canada that has openly accepted sodomy and passed laws protecting the rights of the sodomites. Virtually all nations have accepted and legalized immorality. - 02/02/2005 - from you will be punished

What a bunch of ignorant people you are! I'm sure Satan is very proud of all that you do. But, like him, you will come to nothing . In the end, you will realize how wrong you have been. And, no I am not Mormon but I have many friends who are . They treat me and my beliefs with the utmost respect. Your group could learn alot from them about how people should treat one another. That is, if you are still capable of learning ANYTHING. Your distasteful attempts at humor are sophomoric. Grow up and get over whatever it is that bothers you so much about these good and generous people. Your bitterness and bad judgement will only eat you alive and harm not one person who happens to be Mormon. - 02/02/2005- from


Get your facts straight you bitter "the gospel is too hard to live so I am going to bash it instead" anti. - 02/02/2005 - anon

i hate you assholes - 01/28/2005 - anon

You all are very amusing. Too bad you all will roast in Hades (or hell,or the endless pit, or the lake of fire and brimstone or Sheol - you name it, because you will have a LOT of free time to find new names for your soon to be eternal abode). That_is if you ever get some rest from Satan's eternal torment and edless wo that he will inflict upon your damned souls. Oh hey, wait! Did I say ETERNAL? Man, I don't think you are going anywhere then... maybe you should think of the name you want to give to your soon to be born baby, or that bum on the street and despised, complainting why the f**k don't them f***in' Mormons help this dude. Thank Luci fer I am not Mormon!!! Hope you all have a HELL OF A TIME down there...

Oh yeah, and what's the problem with you guys' spelling? I see the mist of darkness has also messed your writing ability, because as a non Arian 3rd w orld scumbag I have better English than all of you put wonder I had to teach most of my companions their own language. Hahaha language study is for dumbasses like the ones who mock the true Church of Christ on this website. And why don't you ever post my notes on this stupid website? A re you afraid I can convert (or pervert, as you prefer saying) any of the people that come here often? You know what, I gotta go. Too many things to do and too little time to waste. Beats me. - 01/28/2005 - anon

boy when you really meet him...scary thought. - 01/28/2005 - anon
Editor's note: Boy a more scary thought...would be meeting you.

You had better all pray and ask forgiveness for blaspheming one of God's prophets.

He will soon come and the wicked will be destroyed. Watch, the time is near. - 01/28/2005 - anon

You are such an idiot... - 01/22/2005 - anon

it greatly irritates me the fact that you guys ref use to post my comments to this website. What is t he problem? The Conference Center rocks and it is a further proof of the greatness of the people of the Lord and His true church. I doubt it any other organization would move as a whole in any similar way that we LDS move as a people. Jealousy sucks! And please post my comments. I enjoy reading what I write (thing I do better than some illiterate pe ople attempt to do here. How lame.) - 01/22/2005 - from Brazil Nut

You anti-mormons are going to hell, and I laugh at you guys! hahahahahahahahaha - 01/22/2005 - from

I feel sorry for people who are alway's trying to tear things down, rather than building the things up in their lives that are good for them. Whether you belive in the LDS church or not. Contention and disputing are of the Devil. - 01/19/2005 - anon

screw you - 01/17/2005 - anon

I am definitely the type of person that can laugh at myself and I can definitely take a joke but there is NOTHING funny about anything on this site. I am disgusted. Whoever you are, you should be ashamed of yourself. - 01/17/2005 - anon







DAVID R. LUKENS - 01/16/2005

Have you been reading too much David Icke? He reckons the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are the same organisation. Almost as batty as you sickos! - 01/16/2005 - from Down with Sickos!

(this is in response to the Ask Bishop Boozem column) i think u suck u have no right to make fun of the lds church ur no bishop stop pretrending. no lds bishop would curse u are an INSULT to the church of jesus christ of ladder day saints and if u are a bishop im ashamed that u would act like one.GROW UP U JERK.


this is a rude site and i think that you could be a little nicer! - 01/16/2005 - anon

Every day this site is up is one more black book in the the book of heaven... Angel Michael is copying everything down. (He can do this because he is outside the space-time continuum). - 01/07/2005 - Krazy for Kolob

your avery stupid person. allthese sound just like you and your family . no one should make fun of any church. who said yours was right , oh you proubly don't have one. - 01/03/2005 - anon

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