Four Sons of Perdition from Utah traveled west to The Black Rock Desert of Northern Nevada for the annual Burning Man 2001. Several of the creators of this section post on the Recovery from Mormonism bulletin board.
Inspired by their Mormon heritage, the theme of "Zion's Camp" emerged as they constructed a scale model of the Salt Lake Temple adorned with a golden Angel Moroni who blew smoke out his horn and his ass.
Busy as bees for nearly two days the ex-Mo's constructed the holy edifice. The glistening golden Angel Moroni standing thirty feet in the air attracted the spritually thirsty by the scores. We quenced this thirst by providing re-enactments of the Mormon Temple rituals and ordinances dressed in real temple clothing and robes. For the less endowed, we administered the "Holy Snackrament" of Welch's Grape Juice and Hormel Beef Jerky. We sang the hymns and hers of Zion of which "Numb at Church" sung to the tune "Love at Home" and "Crazed Was The Man" sung to the tune of "Praise to the Man"" were the two favorites.
Three temple sealings (marriages) were performed involving three men and seven women total. All who stopped by praised us for our mockery and mayhem as they laughed themselves to positive mental health and sanity. Not only ex-Mormons and disaffected Mormons stopped by, but many friends and co-workers of Mormons stopped in to partake and take pictures of the antics to show their Mormon friends back home.
Official Temple Recommends were issued to those who sought "further light and knowledge" through the veil of the temple. Numbered among our guests was a 2nd cousin of Boyd K Packer who held not only this General Authority in contempt but also the church he represents. She added to our dismay the fact that one of her relatives had married a McConkie. We were dumbstuck at the ramifications of mixing the tendencies of a Packer with a McConkie. Will Utah ever be the same?
We were blessed to have two actual Levites, Victor and Anna Levi from Ashkelou, Israel visit with us. Anna shared the story of participating in community religious awareness symposium where a local stake president preached the Mormon Church's belief in a literal gathering of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and that the Levites would again serve in the Temple of the Lord.
When Anna approached with stake president, identifying herself as a Levite and asking when she could administer in the temple, he informed her that the Levites had "lost their lease" and could no longer enter the temple.
We belly laughed together at this example of "pretzel logic" amongst the Mormons. Just as if rising in the morning of the first resurrection, Moroni starts to gather all of his body parts and miraculously morph into the perfect celestial hunk of an angel that he is.
Moroni stands proud in all his golden glory preparing to blast the gospel news out of his trumpet and his ass simultaneously.
The brethren study the plans out in their minds while awaiting the Spirit to prompt them into action.
The holy alter of the temple awaits its permanent home in the sealing room of the temple. Note the delicate and expensive crushed velvet top and kneeling pads. The special wood paneling was milled from the very walnut tree that President Hinckely planted in his yard 70 years ago.
The temple facade is erected on a prayer and divinely guided gust of desert wind.
Moroni assumes his rightful perch 30 feet atop the center spire with a bird's eye view of the entire encampment.
The first temple patron dawns garments in preparation for the first endowment in Zion's Camp. He was impressed with the silky smooth feel of the nylon, bemberg, kevlar mesh fabric.
Note: Click here for the complete and official transcript of the pre-1990 and the post-1990 temple endowment that we are satirizing and mocking. The 1990 version sanitizes and softens the bigotted, sexist, harsh and threatening blood and guts of the former version. Hard to believe? Read it for yourself: The Official Mormon Temple Endowment
Peace is finally restored as the sun sets in glory behind Moroni's baked bunns.
Late in the full moon evening the Lord's wrath was kindled as He blasted the blasphemous Zion's Camp with hail, hell fire and brimstone, actually breaking the bell off of Moroni's horn, rendering him impotent.
Moroni makes his impotent appearance in the bright early morning sunlight.
Not to be outdone by a few ex-Mormons, the Twelve Tribes of Israel who were camped near by, scrambled to erect their own Tabernacle. After practicing their mobile temple erections each morning for forty years while wandering aimlessly in the desert, this effort appeared "automatic" to us. We stood in awe of their "mobile encampment" skills.
And it came to pass that on the seventh day, the Three Nephites rested from their labors and pedaled around Zion's Camp on their Moronimobile squirting liquid refreshment upon the bosoms of the hotties that abounded in the land.
Paul H Dunn sped right up in his very own Moronimobile at Zion's Camp when he heard that thousands were flocking there seeking inspiration and further light and knowledge. Unfortunately he was immediately stoned to death by those with their "bullshit" detectors turned on.
To our total mystical amazement a Book of Mormon unicorn galloped right into Zion's Camp. His name was Mister Ed and he spoke in tongues while commencing each sentence with "And it came to pass...". He claimed to be descended from the unicorns that abounded at the Tower of Babel and who arrived in the promised land disguised as tapis with the Nephites centuries ago.
The true order of prayer is demonstrated by these four faithful brethren as the power in the penishood arose from deep within their loins and bosoms.
And naturally that pesky elder brother, Lucifer showed up in answer to our prayers instead of the Lord and Savior. Lucifer is always crashing the big parties.
But have no fear as our eldest brother is nearby standing
ready to cast Lucifer down to the gates of hell.
We witnessed a classic re-enactment of the "War in Heaven" as Jesus and Lucifer "dueled it out" with all of creation's glory weighing in the balance of power.
In the end, even Jesus was feeling fatigued, lonely and cross. He was begging His father for a little R & R (Rest and Resurrection).
The happy family, returned from their honeymoon, stands in front of the Holy Temple. Notice how Elder Smith slowly recovering from total exhaustion and marital bliss is being supported by his new wives.
An envious temple patron stooped to worship the Colonel and attempted to "Hold to the Rod" of this spiritual giant.
In order to provide the saving ordinances of the gosepl for the hundreds of temple goers that engulfed our temple, we employed the holy services of a free-moving font supplied by "Mobile Baptism By Immersion" The gospel had never been so refreshing to so many.
Officer Joe Friday stopped by to get "Just the facts, mam." He was mistaken for being a "golden investigator" rather than just a private investigator.
He had heard about threats of slicing, gashing, gutting and blood atonement and wanted to do some filming of the same for his next episode of Dragnet. He was referred to the LDS Church's temple department for the pre-1990 temple movie which is rated "X" for violence.
We were delighted to welcome the local missionaries for a renewal of their covenants. This devoted Elder combines a friendly hello wave with the sign of the second token of the Aaronic Priesthood.
Yes, even the "mother of all living," Eve, stopped by the temple to be "washed clean from the blues and sins" of this generation.
And Eve's wish was granted by this pious temple worker as he washed and then annointed her with consecrated massage oil, water and the five boinks of fellowship unto her through the veil.
Eve, the first true and faithful feminist sits atop her throne, "as the stone which is cut out of the mountains without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth." Doctrine and Covenants 65:2
Brethren by the hundreds were begging and pleading to get "stoned" with his fair daughter of the Lord.
The brethren pay their last repects to Moroni and all he represents at the conclusion of Burning Bosom Man by turning the other cheek.
Now for even more Mormon Temple Endowment nonsense click here: Holy Havoc - Temple Turmoil
Wether or not mormonism is correct all this display does is show how big of an ass anti-mormons can make themselves. - 10/20/2009 - WTF
I sure hope that anyone that has participated or who views this website with any degree of gladness isn't a christian. They had better be atheist. Why? Let me put it plainly. Any person who can go out of their way to insult, degrade, or slander one's beliefs is not a person who can believe in anything. I'm sure there are many things that other "Christians" have done that nobody talks about. Let's mention a few, especially the atrocities done TO Mormons. If many are aware, the Mormons were persecuted, raped, killed, and exiled in the very country which sought religious freedom. These things were done by Baptists, Methodists, and many other sects that decided to judge this group of people because of their beliefs. This didn't happen just once, but numerous times. Hundreds of innocent people were killed by supposed "righteous men of God". Pathetic! Here you have the downright gall to find this entertaining. As I said before I do hope that those who made this and those who find enjoyment out of this aare Atheists, because only someone who doesn't believe in God could find humor in something that judges, and degrades men, women, and children in this manner.
You may think you are spreading the "truth" to people. I will ask you this, what if one day you find out that you have been wrong, and this whole time you have had a cloud of pride and anger, or resentment covering the truth before your eyes? What will you do then? "Oh sorry." How would you feel if, assuming you have kids, one of your children was slandered, laughed at, hurt, pushed around, or had something very precious, and personal thrown about as though it was public media. I'll tell you what you would do, you would throw a riot. Do you realize actions such as this cause that very same situation to happen to families everyday? Children have been hurt, laughed at, ignored, and shunned because somebody thought that they in some way deserved it.
If you have a problem with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, fine. I respect that, but keep it to yourself. Members ask for the same respect that they give you, and lastly, don't let one person's actions make you act like a jerk to everyone else. "Christians, Catholics, and other denominations have had groups, and individuals do things, but should their actions make anyone think the rest in such manner? Of course not.
This is a common saying, think before you act. You never know who you actually hurt. - 03/09/2009 - Blank
It is amazing what you find when you are looking for something else, The Burning Bosom Man is a howler!!!!!! - 12/25/2008 - Fat Freddie
OMG!!!! I love you guys!!! I am laughing so hard that it hurts. Hubby is laughing too!!! Having survived growing up a blasphemous NON-BELIEVER in the good ol' Land of Zion, My heartfelt praise and admiration goes out to all of you. May this become a tradition every year. I would love to attend. Keep up the good work. Thank you for your frank honesty, and huge balls to post this on the www. THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 12/14/2008 - anon
I just came across y'all the other day, and I am fuckin' blown, y'all are the best collection of mormon humor. Good shit. Great shit. Keep turning it out. - 04/08/2008 - left hand up
Nothing offensive about it and can imagine how beneficial it was for brainwashed mormons. Very slick solution to ridding oneselve of demoralizing beliefs obtained from being a mormon. I came to China to escape moronism and have been living for eight years (yes, i've ran into mormons here too). Let me know when the next session time will be and I might just go back to attend. There anything I can do here in China to receive a recommend in advance? - 03/28/208 - Lao K
I finally know what the "smog" problem is caused by in the Salt Lake valley- perhaps we all should start a movement-Put a cork in Moronis ass! - 02/18/2007 - Wallace Budd
Great work guys exposing the error of this very deceitful "church". - 09/01/2005 - from George in BG, Ohio
I'm a Christian who lived among the Mormons for 4 years and you have hit the nail on the head nocking of all their ridiculous, pointless, time-wasting, and ultimately worthless rituals.
Some of it in poor taste, but it's hilarious. Keep up the good work. Someone has to help people who have escaped from the Mormons to regain their sanity. Laughter should help! - 06/15/2005 - anon
Me and my God are laughing our asses off, that some people would buy "SECRET MASONIC RITUALS" as a means to get into heaven. - 08/05/2005 - from KC
Just seems like a waste of time to me. What is it about ex-mormons that they just can't let go of it. In the end, what you are doing is no different than what you claim the church is doing. Sorry, to me this is evil. - 06/11/2005 - from Faithful Mormon
This is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen! - 05/22/2005 - from Jax
Funny shit!!! Love the whole site, keep it up. - 04/29/2005 - anon
Not too original. Anybody can make fun of people or beliefs. I guess my only
question after reading all this anti-Mormon stuff is what are you offering, lots
of blow hards but I haven't seen any solutions or answers after all the accusations.
I find it compelling that the Mormon Church site mentions nothing of other churches
or their beliefs but only explains their own. Just a different feel I guess. - 03/28/2005 - anon
Editor's note: Sorry, but this is from the official web site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
"My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.
I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all awrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." - Joseph Smith History verses 18 & 19 - Pearl of Great Price
Some people might be thinking how bad the parody of Jesus thing is, but come on, would the real Jesus wear those rediculously hideous mormon clothing? It should be obvious. - 12/27/2004 - anon
It is fitting that the church settled next to the Salt Lake. Because when the winds of truth blow acrossed them, they both smell like shit. - 09/25/2004 - from Joseph Smith's grandson from his 33rd wife.
I can't stop laughing. I'm a Utahn living in Canada. This is too damn funny. Your creativity is a genius. - 04/21/2004 - anon <
How about meeting once a month when everyone has low blood sugar and whining about the importance of marrying in the food court of the Valley Fair Mall? It might take a generation to establish, but it would prove you can condition people into aspiring to and claiming to be edified by damn near anything, especially if it's exclusive. - 04/21/2004 - from gracie the heretic
Hey, This is so funny. I loud so more. Cool! (ex-mormon fron Russia) - 04/19/2004 - brainwasher
Holy fucken shit, I love this! Fuck what a hoot! I'm laughing so damn hard that I may end-up with broken ribs and have to call members of the penishood for some major faking and get to show them this! Hee, hee, hee! - 08/06/2004 - from pbujold1969
i really "appreciate" you .....he he ha ha - 06/23/3004 - from burntv
Would you do this same thing to Jews, to Catholics, to American Indians, lampoon their beliefs and practices and rites in this way? Be fair, be open, do it to everyone. (Editor's note: Sorry, don't have time. Mormonism has too much to Lampoon as it is.) Everyone and anyone believes in things that others find bizarre, beyond the confines of their own world view. Your act demonstrates not openness and humanity, but contempt, judgementalism and derisive mocking of others. Hitler did exactly the same thing in Germany. (Boyd Packer does the same in Salt Lake City.) His hatred and contempt of the Jews led to the holocaust. (And the Mormons are baptizing Jewish Holocaust victims for the dead - How insulting is that if you are Jewish?) While your hatred and contempt of "mormons" or anyone else may not be of the same caliber, it is of the same motivation. The only real difference between you and him is you haven't killed anyone for their beliefs. (Per the Mormon Church's own website: "I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.” Josph Smith History verse 19.) "Love thy neighbor" applies to everyone. - 06/20/2004 - Your friendly neighborhood self-righteous self-serving Mormon asshole who is too cowardly to use a real name and email address
Perfect! I must party with y'all some time. In all honesty though, isn't every chance to celebrate not being Mormon an opportunity to just make up for all those years we wasted being so is too short...and I hear that the life in the celestial kingdom sucks ass anyway...You guys ROCK! - 06/05/2004 - alexlinford
Loved the polygamist wedding! You guys rock! - 05/26/2004 - from --Ex Missionary, Ex Mormon
Beautiful! Hilarious! I want that statue in my front yard!!!! Now, a question for all the ex mos...Are there really soul-sucking monsters in the basement of the Mormon church, or did they spike my apple...??? - 04/22/2004 - from Dinky
HeHeHe - It had to be done, and you guys did it well! I began 'early retirement' from the MoMos just a few years ago while teaching MTC Spanish at the Y, and wondering just what the hell had happened to my personality - & conscience - since I began to 'insure' my calling-&-election-to-a-beautiful-virgin-bride by regularly filling my oil lamp with funds for more BoM's on helpless South Americans (my taxes already help with the BoMbs on the 'evil, uncivilized' nations that still refuse to open their doors to Elders Johnson & Smith). Now my cum runneth over for Ms. Fanny - Moroni better watch his back next year! - 03/27/2004 - from cu in black rock
What happened to you guys? I know something must have turned you away from the chruch, why else would you take so much time and effort into hurting and diliberately soiling on what you once found and knew. Sorry about that. - 01/23/2004 - from
Loved it and laughed in 2001; seeing it on the web in 2004 made me laugh all over again! Truly a marvelous work and a wonder has come forth among the children of men! - 01/21/2004 - anon
Damn, its back to therapy for me. 01/10/2004 - from cbojanower
From the Devil Girl: sniff. memories. my big pitchfork. the heat. those were the days. torturing that goody goody jesus. - 01/09/2004 - from
Having grown up in the church (17 hellish years), and being a great-great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin Johnson (converted way back when and came across the plains to Utah) I have to say, what you guys did was absolutely fucking hilarious! (pardon my language...)I've always wanted to make it to Burning Man and hopefully whenever I do you'll be there. Keep up the good work. The world needs more satire like yours. - 12/07/2003 - from incornsyucopia
As a former missionary, and High Priest while in my mid 20's, and having sat in as a Bishop's councillor in excommunication hearings, I laughed my ass off at your site. - 11/23/2003 - anon
I'm surprised God has not struck you down in the name of Joseph Smith. - 11/19/2003 -anon
Congratulations on your site's "Burning Bosom Man" presence out at Burning Man. That was the funniest sh*t I have seen in a long time. BEAUTIFUL. - 11/13/2003 - Gene
Cum, cum ye saints! I laughed so hard I almost pissed down my leg. Big brass balls you guys have, to be sure. Well done; very well done. Provides some comfort to the victims of that miserable cult. - 10/19/2003 - anon
You guys have gone *way* to far. So far that you might end up face to face with Joseph Smith himself in the eternal round... - 07/27/2003 - anon
I wish I had the nerve to forward this to my TBM (True Believing Mormon) family! - 07/25/2003 - from shell
Very funny. Reminds me of one of those Road Shows we did back in the 1970's that somehow went far off course. Obviously, y'all have issues. Serious issues.
Might I offer a friendly and perhaps fatherly word of warning? What you did my children at the Burning Man event, although hilarious beyond description to those of you hurt by the Mormons, was beyond the limits of normative acceptable behavior or legitimate criticism. It was clearly illegal. Furthermore, you have been stupid children to collect all the evidence necessary for a strong case against yourselves in a court of law and even more brazen to publish it to the world.
I'm surprized that the Mormon Gestapo hasn't come after you. (Maybe they have). They probably don't want the negative publicity above all else and have likely pressured the local sheriff not to pursue it. So my children you have that one thing for which to be grateful to the Mormons. If you try it again or it gets into the newspapers you might find yourselves in need of an attorney. I only point this out because even a short time in jail would have an unfavorable effect on your sense of humor. And I like your humor, my little ones. (And apparently not so little ones).
The point is children, what y'all did out in Nevada was far worse than this one obscene comment. And if you can get 60 days for that, how long might you get for your performance that included public drunkenness, nudity, lewdness, etc. It might be worse than a trip to the Bishop's office. I hope that at least one of you has some legal background and can keep you out of further trouble. Now off to bed with you. - 06/25/2003 - from What Naughty Little Children
I'm not a Mormon, but I know quite a bit about them and their history and know it's something I could never believe in. However, you guys go a little too far... it's one thing to poke a little fun at a belief or an institution, but honestly... even if you don't believe in the church (as I don't), at least have respect for those that do! I knew a Mormon family while I was growing up (their son was a good friend of mine... we were friends in elementary school) and they were good kind people (and very devout). I'm sure they weren't the only ones. Anyway, my prayers are with you. - 06/08/2003 - from MN
You sick, sick bastards! Only the inhabitants of the highest kingdom get to keep their genitals, so get used to looking like a Mattel action figure! - 06/04/2003 - from
I have been truly blessed and restored within my burning bosoms. It is truly wonderful to me. This is a full figured page and has the blessing of us in the Church of God Invisible! We celebrate with you from the Winnemucca Flats School of Bible, Beauty and Botox. - 05/17/2003 - from
Outsanding job! If there are plans to establish a Relief Society, then I'll definitely be there next time around. - 02/12/2003 - from
Undoubtedly all those who attended (and who will attend) enjoyed pent-up religious tension release and much hilarity. Never having succumbed to any type of unsubstantiated belief system I can't say I would require such release but I'm sure the beer and naked women would be incentive enough to attend.
On a more serious note - millions of people have somehow ignored their inner logic self and have been bamboozled by this false religion, er, cult I should say. And as much as your mockery pokes fun at the beliefs of these people the real problem lies with the struggle, attainment and coveting of POWER. Power over people, finances, industry, growth - power over the future. That is what ol' Joe Smith and his cronies were all about. Brigham Young perfected it and now an entire culture is based upon it. Control.
So how can we slow the tide of this disease? Yes your Burning Bosom is all great fun but what can we all do to snuff this canker of the west out? Parodies only fuel their devout with martyr material. We need to target and blacklist the business they own. (A list of Mormon based companies?) We need to proselytize with our own counter information - exposing these frauds as the charlatans they are.
If we just ignore them they will swell in ranks like the Nazis and the next "prophet" after this fool Hinkley dies will not be so easy to subdue. Fight now! Find ways to discredit this sinister system. This federation of foulness. Fight! - 01/01/2003 - from
Like Phil said on 9/20/01. How very Mormon of you. I see your point, and some of it is pretty funny. However, you need to work on your issues with Mormonism. Step out of Utah, and you will find that Mormonism is just another religion. Who gives a fuck what kind of rituals they do. Would you ever mock another religion so harshly? No-you just have too many issues, and it is nausiating. - 12/19/2002 - Melanie-born Mormon, now I'm just Melanie
I'm a rabid ex-mo, but the picture of Moroni demonstrating of tongues...hahaha...on the young Fanny Alger...hohohohoho...that was really, really NASTY! BWWAAA HAHAHA!!!! (Omigod! I just peed my pants!!) - 11/09/2002 - anon
Oh my. I've never believed mormonism, you guys are really REALLY bitter though. A lot of it is in bad taste (it's still funny), but hey I don't have a huge problem if you're going to slam a religion that has a serious problem standing up to honest and valid scrutiny.
And if it matters I am a fundamental Christain who can think, although I'm kinda gathering here that you're not intrested in that.
Bitter! Funny! Perverted! Spiteful! I'm absolutely amazed. - 11/07/2002 - anon
I laughed so hard (shot coffee out of my nose!) , I almost attracted too much attention to myself while at work at the "Lord's Bank" People were wondering what the hysteria was in this normally quiet cubicle farm. - 09/06/2002 - from anonnie corporate lackie
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a hoot! I love each and every one of you for having the guts to pull off something so absolutley fucking funny as this! My sides ache from having laughed so hard! May your next event be an even bigger success. I would love to attend. I'll keep hoping that I can. - 07/30/2002 - anon
Man, I laughed my ass off silly! I sent your page link to ALL my family and some LDS faithful who will certainly feel shaken, it was a hoot! HAHA, Can I come next year? - 07/21/2002 - Donny
WOW!!! WHOPEE!!! I am sending this www address to all my friends. I grew up a non-MOMO in the Land of Zion. Thankfully, I escaped with all my dignity intact! You guys & gals ROCK!!! Keep up the good work. May this year go even better. I would like to thank each and everyone for your courage to stand up to something crazy enough to consider itself a world religion. - 07/04/2002 - from Utah Refugee
I used to be a good little Catholic girl who married a "wonderful" returned missionary from the good ole LDS faith. Not only was he unfaithful to me, but he was a sick, abusive bastard who deserves to have his nuts cut off. Thank you for the wonderful laugh. You have truly healed my soul- A very well adjusted Wiccan - 07/03/2002 - anon
HHHHhhhhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! I can't stop laughing - 06/09/2002 - anon
God loves humor. Although I appreciate clean humor, I'd bet the crass humor comes from the release of a great deal of anger toward this sickening organization of sheeple followers who are conned into paying 10% of their hard work earnings into such an obviously evil brainwashing society.
Touche' for those good spirits who have the courage and strength to stand up to this horrible movement. - 05/25/2002 - from Christmas Man
Abstinence makes the churches grow fondlers. - 05/25/2002 - anon
What a wonderful site you have. I married a deeply brainwashed Mormon (goes back generations to the big cheese himself - Joe "The Con" Smith). Any advice on how I can get her "unbrainwashed" would be GREATLY appreciated.
I hope to make it to your Planet Kolob this year.
Sincerely, Noel - 05/25/2002
You guys are insane! I love this stuff. I cracked up when I ran across all this. You guys are pissing off all the right people and I hope you keep up the good work. I've never been to the Burning Man thing but I'm starting to think I'll have to check it out this year. I'll ask my buddies Hope and Bub, who go every year with a contingent from here in SLC if they saw your installation. - 05/22/2002 - anon
Next year please include the temple ordinance of men being sealed to men...check LDS history for details and I'm already smiling at the fun you could have with this one. 05/17/02 - Jim Ellis
And i thought the catholic priests have it bad...hahahahahaha....keep up the faith. Please post where and when the next fiesta is. My wife and i would like to participate. Looks like ya'll had a bunch of fun. - 05/12/2002 - from paaalease
People like you would crucify the Saviour if he tried to talk to you. Nice thing about free agency---it lets fools be fools. I must admit, I have never met fools like you. - 04/23/2002 - anon
Wow. All I can say is finally someone with the absolute knowledge you have and access to actual garments and robes and aprons had the balls to do something so horribly over due as this. Thank you, thank you, thank you! - 04/13/2002 - rhett.harker
As a champion scripture chaser, Seminary class President, return missionary, Temple married, and BYU alumni, I was stricken dumb by your camp. And when I could get my composier I srceamed, YOU GUYS FUCKIN'ROCK!!!!! (maybe you remember me)I HOPE your coming this year, cause I'm bringin' my apron (that my dad handed down for three generations) to BURN IT!!!!
Hell Yeah! Life as a god RULES!!! We made it!!! - 04/13/2002 - Sky Bear
About the only thing I didn't see was the cannibalism and the fecal-smearing contest. Wasn't that Jeffrey Dahmer next to that one girl? - 04/13/2002 - anon
A very dignified, cultured, well-educated lot. Obviously the best of American society. These must be some of the smartest, wisest, most refined and benevolent people on the planet. I hope my children grow up to be just like them. - 04/12/2002 -anon
Um, what was the device peeking from the apron...or was someone particulary, dare I say "endowed"?
Really, really funny. I would show up next year if getting nekid is'nt required. - 03/31/2002 - anon
With live entertainment by the Gadianton Robbers Band - 03/01/2002 - from
Oh my God, hear the words outta my mouth...this shit was fucking FUNNY! Hoo hoo hoo! - 03/01/2002 - from A.S-8
I'll see you in hell brother, to compare length of penis, if you have one. - 02/27/2002 - from
Have you folks heard of the "Hash House Harriers"? If not, then look us up! We're EVERYWHERE and you would love hanging out with us. You seem as loopy & fun loving as we are! Oh! You must also like beer to like us. - 02/26/2002 - from "CreamWhora"/BH3
I am a non-mormon who, at one time dated a Mormon. In his zeal to potentially turn me into a "proper Mormon wife" and convert me I was motivated into finding out more about this monstrosity of a religion. I salute you guys (and especially Ed's thought-provoking retort) for your intelligence, clever satire, and humor. - 02/25/2002 - anon
I think I finally understand the temple now! It is all making sense after years and years of confusion...Thanks guys, that is hilarious and shows the temple for what it really is- bullshit. - 02/07/2002 - from Andrew in SLC
>Mother Eve is beautiful like the planet Earth. Anyway,
how did you guys survive the fanatical Mormons that came past your pavillion? I
can understand the humourous Mormons. They're cool.
You know like the
psychotic Boyd K Packer types. - 02/07/2002 - HoMo (holy Mormon)
You guys must have had a hoot. Freedom of expression is a wonderful thing (not available in Utah). - 01/31/2002 - drinkinbeer@mormonland
Only someone who has been in the church and experienced its' horrors and humiliations can fully appreciate this mockery. Thank you so much for the ride!!! I would LOVe to see it in person sometime. - 01/31/2002 - from Susan Hyatt
Some of your humor is pretty raunchey, it is amazing how low you have sunk, even though I am an ex-Mormon and have contempt for the church, I do not have contempt for the Lord. You might designate the god of Mormonism from the God of Israel. - 01/31/2002 - from GB guys are gonna be in trouble!! - 01/25/2002 - anon
Um, what was the device peeking from the apron...or was someone particulary, dare I say "endowed"?
Really, really funny. I would show up
next year if getting nekid is'nt required. - 01/22/2002 - anon
I don't feel bad for you. I won't pray for you. You belong in hell. - 01/21/2002 - anon
Hilarious & I loved the reply from ED! - 01/05/2002 - anon
WHo is the good looking naked guy in the first pic next to the statue? DAMN! - 12/21/2001 - anon
You bunch of SICK bastards!! - 12/15/2001 - anon
Good job...This was an outstanding event! Thanks for your wit, wisdom, and humor. We are lucky to have people who can deflate self-important creeds and beliefs with humor. - 12/04/2001 - Tim Roberts, Sacramento
Hey, what happened to the dead rubber chicken after Moroni's gathering of the body parts? Is there a little rubber pecker hidden somewhere beneath those golden robes? - 12/01/2001 - from Twi Editor's Reply: Only Joseph Smith knows for sure.
I'm not sure what institution you all escaped from but theyneed to round you all up and throw away the key! its a ockery of a church that has done no harm to any one, you all sicken me. - 11/22/2001 - from Verry annoyed
you guys are nuts. i laughed my ass off. - 10/18/2001 - from dirtyrottenapostate,whoops,
I am Thankfull to see others receive 'Divine Revelation' other than the Prophet. As a miss guided 'Lamanite', I praise and honor you all for what you are doing and hope to participate in next year's events and renew my convenants with whomever in the hell will listen. Thanks lots, for mine eyes have been opened up once again. 'Glory be, I can see' - 10/13/2001 - from Walkshorse
I feel such sorrow for you. I pray for you, I know that you will regret what you ahve done someday. And I'm sorry. I take no humor in the desecration of sacred practices. Even if you don't view them as sacred I think you should have enough respect for the beliefs of others. I can see that grown men have not moved beyond the behaviors of small children. You are obviously members (or have been at some point), you know better than this. - 10/11/2001 - from nate116
To be frankly honest, I would have never figured grown men to do something such as this. This sounds like something that a child might do, without realizing how sacreligious it is, but even my friends that are such seem to have more respect and maturity. Well, I will sincerely pray for you, and I'm sorry that you have found yourself in this path. - 09/27/2001 - from Jet-boy_of_LDS,
Editor's Note: The following is a reply from Ed, one of the four participants in Burning Bosom Man
It is a testimony to me of the power of indoctrination that one such as yourself can see our activity and proclaim it childish and then go to the temple and learn secret passwords and handshakes without seeing the incredible juvenile nature of a god that would care which knuckle the thumb goes over. We did the secret password thing in fifth grade and left it behind in sixth grade. Please take a minute and ponder whether your god would spend such incredible human energy on such silliness.
By the way, while we were at Burning Man we taught those signs and tokens to anyone who wanted to know them. I guess your god will have to let them into the kingdom because they know the stuff. If not, then why do you spend such incredible time doing this kind of childishness. Our efforts at Burning Man actually lifted burdens off many and were a blessing to those who came around. We saw much tearfulness from people who had been very hurt by their association with mormonism and our parody was a relief to them, allowing them to let go of the pain you all caused them.
The rituals of the mormon temple are begging to be mocked. And the fact that millions of people give their authority away to leaders who either lack the wisdom to see the ridiculousness of this or who are so evil in their lust for power that they don't care as long as it works, is truly amazing to me. The power of the temple recommend, to gain admittance into a childish, stupid ritual, is great amoong the mormon sheep and it saddens me when I see those who are so terribly hurt by it. Look around and note the reasons why Utah is the anti-depressant state. Under the facade of mormonism is an ugliness.
Milan Kundera, in a wonderful novel entitled The Unbearable Lightness of Being described a man being sickened by an institution instigated to be a blessing to mankind. He used the image of a person seeing a powerful, majestic bear with a coat of thick fur. As he drew nearer this bear he could see that the coat of fur was just the maggots crawling over the filth of what had become a diseased and dead frame. I find that an apt description of mormonism at the present time. I work daily with the disenfranchised and abused members of Utah society and I see in many of the actions of the LDS "church" only that which destroys, depresses and further alienates. I see a lack of compassion and Christlike love for many classes of people. I have sat in meetings where authorities of the "church" use the prestige offered them because of their affiliation with the power of the church in a way that creates more pain and suffering for those already wounded and struggling.
I pray you will give this more real thought than you have given your religion.
Even if you are ex-Mormons this is pretty bad taste. - 10/22/2001 - anon
Hilarious - I laughed so hard!! Yes, you guys ARE crazy - but I loved it... 9/22/01 - Candy
All in all I thought it was very mormon of you. - 09/20/2001 - Phil
Sick, twisted perverts. Laugh out loud! Right up my alley. Loved it. - 09/20/2001 - Mook
Thanks for sharing your spiritual moments. I for one, found it to be of great spiritual significance and profound meaning. - 09/20/2001 - just hanging around
I am in awe at the time and energy you guys put into this. That's a lot of work. If it had been me, I would have had the idea, got a good chuckle and left it at that. I tip my baker's hat to you. - 09/20/2001 - Stray Mutt
You guys are either completely crazy or else totally insane--not sure which. What a hoot!!! - 09/14/2001 - Ron Williams
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