Advice Columns - Salamander Society

Having trials dealing with life in Mormonia? Sensing efforts from distant planets to control your thoughts and feelings? Are your relatives placing your name on the prayer rolls of the temple? Feeling panic or rage whenever your doorbell or telephone ring? Receiving unwanted subscriptions to church magazines?

Have no fear, The Salamander Society can help! We guarantee absolutely no interference from the Holy Ghost, prayers or patriarchs of the faithful in all advice dispensed here. Submit your questions and you will shortly receive a helpful dose of reality.

Sharing With Cheryl - Supportive advice and counsel from the "Ann Landers of Zion" on dealing with those pesky Mormon stalkers.

Ask Bishop "Bernie" Boozem - Bishop Bernard Boozem - Morgville Ward - Cyber Stake of Zion, savant of the Lord counsels and comforts you. No matter how embarrassing your predicament.
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